My april weekend away

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Although only one of the team managed to join me at Clynfyw for the April Meet it was pretty interesting.
I got to the camp early on Friday, sorted my pitch, got the parachute up and went down to the farm for water, not reallising the Coffee morning was still running ... 2 cakes, 1 coffee and 2 burgers, a go on the raffle, a go on the "name the lamb" and two hand made soaps later I saw Lloyd arrive and managed my escape only £10 worse off...
We went and set up and I gave Lloyd the Grand Tour, made a couple of smaller Birch Besoms, roughed out a spoon and had a good meal of Ostrich steak. The chat went on into the night but eventually beds called and off we went. As I was getting into my stretcher bed one side pole snapped - dumping me unceremoniously on the deck!
Luckily I had a spare pole to hand - one that I had rejected as too bent to be ideal - and I soon had the bed repaired.
Sat arrived and after breakfast (fried Haggis wraps for me) I cut a new , straight, bed pole and we did crafty bits before going for a stroll.
The day drifted by, much of he time being spent bird watching and photographing a very brave mouse that came out from its home in my debris shelter for extended and almost suicidal walkabouts.
A long chat into the night followed and a relaxed Sun morning when we managed to get everything packed before the rain came.
I had to get away to rehearsals for the play I am in and we left the farm around 11.
The weather was not bad - the rain came through mainly at night - but there was an almost constant cold wind. putting up a windbreak got us out of the breeze - but then the chute filed with smoke!
A few (!) photos...



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.