Muntjac serenade


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
It seems to have been a busy weekend with lots of folks out and about so I thought I'd share mine as well

I got a one night pass from the wife so I decided to have a solo bit of time in some woods near to me. It also gave me a chance to see how my shoulder were healing up after I'd had surgery 6 months ago.

It was a 1.8 mile walk in to the wood from where I'd parked and that showed me one thing right away. I was a lot less fit than I'd realised :eek: :lmao:

When I got to the woods I was rathered shocked to see they'd done a lot of selective thinning since I'd last been there a year ago. What they'd done was to take out all the non native species so the wood was more like an english woodland. The only trouble with that was all the brash they'd left lying around everywhere along with the natural undergrowth it was difficult to find a good spot to pitch up. Also it was bone dry with all the dry weather we'd had so I decided I wouldn't have a fire even in my honey stove.

Anyway here's a few pics. Sorry for the quality but I forgot to make sure I had charged batteries in the camera so I had to make do with my mobile phone camera :eek:

My pitch

General view in the evening

General view in the morning, you can see all the brash


A question for folks... does anyone know what this plant is? I've not seen it before and the best description of it is a yellow version of white nettle

I saw 2 muntjac feeding less than 15 yards from my camp and they and their mates spent most of the night barking and screaming away at each other :rolleyes: Despite this it was a nice peaceful night out.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
A question for folks... does anyone know what this plant is? I've not seen it before and the best description of it is a yellow version of white nettle

It's (I think) Yellow Archangel ~ my powers of google-fu found the latin name of Lamium galeobdolon. So yes, related to the white and red/purple dead-nettles.

It looks, under all that brash, as if that's ancient woodland :cool: .


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
The plant looks like Archangel to me.
It's (I think) Yellow Archangel ~ my powers of google-fu found the latin name of Lamium galeobdolon. So yes, related to the white and red/purple dead-nettles.

It looks, under all that brash, as if that's ancient woodland :cool: .
Thanks guys :)

thanks for sharing looks like a good little wood you have there!

It's a nice wood that I enjoyed 'visiting' :rolleyes: but now they've done the thinning all the new sunlight has made the undergrowth run riot and the brash makes it difficult walking around so it's lost a lot of character


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