I got this KJ Eriksson classic Mora knife while on a trip in Norway/Sweden. I paid 56 kroner for it, about 7 euro:
Overall, I found it an excellent user knife, but there are a couple of things about it that I don't really like:
- The tang goes full into the handle, but there is noticable space at the enrty point. If you use the knife a lot in wet conditions, you get rust where you cannot remove it. Solution: seal it with a bit of heated epoxy.
- You need to be careful that you do not cut yourself at the beginning of the edge. since it sticks over the ricasso. Same for the spine. You could do a cold grind/file job on it to make it a bit more safe (edge) and comfortable (spine).
- As Jimbo said, the sloppy red paint should be sanded off and the handle should be sealed with a turpentine/lineseed mix or something like that.
- The blade on my version was pretty off center. I actually selected the best of the bunch. Quality will vary on thse mass produced knives. Same goes for temper - there is a soft spot of 1 cm on my blade - the edge keeps rolling there.
Handle shape is personal preference off course. I would like to get a couple of flat mora blades and fit leather/antler handles on them, like I did with this Kankaapaa blade:
So I guess that with a customized Mora knife you would have your Bushcraft needs pretty well covered at a fraction of the cost of a 'real' custom.