Moose bone fleshing tool


Feb 21, 2010
Rupert's Land
I'd like to show an old fleshing tool, made from the leg bone of a moose, for the purpose of fleshing hides. This is a traditional tool still in use today by native peoples, though has been replaced for the most part by metal tools in many areas. This particular tool is of Dene origin.

Note the teeth filed onto the angled edge




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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Do you use it regularly?

I'ved not been tanning hides much lately, but it works. I hope to get my hands on a few moose calfs or deer (hides) this fall, and braintan them. I'll probably use that scraper most of the time, perhaps I'll make a "drawknife" style scraper from another moose cannon bone and use both of them. I have lately been more and more into doing things in a "paleo" manner...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sounds like you've got lots of work (very hard work, I might add!) ahead of you.:wow1:

Ideally I want to braintan enought hides for a full set of clothing (summer); shirt, loincloth, leggins (or pants), moccasins. I have a shirt, but it really should be extended to be a bit longer. And an Ötzi style belt if I go the loincloth road...

The reason is actually fairly simple; next summer I want to take a one-two week hike, with just paleolithical level equipment. I've done 10 days just clothes ("modern", i.e. viking age), so I figure trying to do something with just paleolithical level gear would be a nice challenge. Pants is more socially acceptable and give better mosquito protection, but the loin-cloth+leggins path is more accurate for paleolitic era and is convenient when fording a stream. And Ötzis belt is something I want to try out.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.