Metal Strengths & Weights



Just been playing around with some engineering software that does stress analysis of various materials. I wanted to see how steel, titanium and aluminium compare in various ways. I'm not saying this is especially scientific, or even representative of what would happen with, say, pots and containers made with these materials - I was just curious about how they would fare in some basic comparisons.

The idea was to make a simple test shape and then apply a force to it and see how much it bends (displaces from its shape at rest). The shape I made was 100mm long, 10mm wide, and 2mm thick. It was supported at each end, and the force was applied in the middle. The applied force was 10 Newtons - about 1kg. I then varied the thickness to make other comparisons. The results are below. Thickness and bend are in millimetres, and mass is in grams.

Same Thickness
metal       thickness  bend   mass
steel         2        0.031  16.0
titanium      2        0.054   9.3
aluminium     2        0.085   5.4

When the thickness is the same, steel is clearly the strongest - it has the smallest amount of bend. However, it's also much heavier than the others. Aluminium bends the most but weighs the least, with titanium somewhere in the middle for both properties. What happens if we make them all the same weight as the aluminium?

Same Weight As The Lightest
metal       thickness  bend   mass
steel         0.675    0.77    5.4
titanium      1.16     0.27    5.4
aluminium     2        0.085   5.4

To get the steel and titanium to weigh the same as the aluminium, both have to be made thinner. Now the strength changes dramatically - steel bends the most (9 times as much), followed by titanium (3 times as much). Lets see what happens if we make them all as strong as the steel in the first comparison...

Same Strength As The Strongest
metal       thickness  bend   mass
steel         2        0.031  16.0
titanium      2.4      0.031  11.2
aluminium     2.82     0.031   7.6

The titanium and aluminium are made thicker to increase their strength: 20% thicker for titanium, and 41% thicker for aluminium. But look at the weights - the titanium is still lighter than the steel, and the aluminium is lighter than either.
Jul 30, 2012
Intresting, I would venture to say that the computerprogrammeis wrong, as titanium is the strongest metal by weight and arguably tungsten osmium I believe by volume. The thing about titanium it is equal strength in compression as tension, giving it a very springy nature, and a very balanced quality, leading to exceptional strength for weight,but If you ask me it's best qualities are the fact it does not rust or react with acids, you can heat it significantly without it loosing strength etc.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Interesting indeed. But your test isn't actually testing "strength."

Strength involves two separate tests, both to failure (breaking) One tests for "shear strength" (the amount of force needed to shear the metal crosswise) and the other tests for "tensile strength" (the amount of force needed to pull it apart.

But as stated above, how easily it's bent is referred to as "malleability" if it retains the new shape; and "springback" if it returns to the original shape.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2004
This doesn't tally with my experience at all. I can easily bend even quite thick steel or aluminium tent pegs by hand - double them over completely with a bit of work. When I tried to turn a titanium peg into a lamp support, I could just about get a visible bend in it and then could get no further. And it was far thinner than the others. Very non-scientific of course, but titanium contantly surprises me with how strong it really is, even when it looks fragile.

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
'steel', 'aluminium' and 'titanium' are all a bit vague in terms of material science and declarations of their properties. There are so many alloys of each, each with it's own properties and beyond that each one can be treated in ways that will shift those properties around.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
Aye - that's why cyclists make so much fuss about the different steel tubings.

You can buy different bike tubing and have vastly different resistance to deformation, even with identical dimensions. It's in the alloy and heat treatment.
Jul 30, 2012
To make it clearer titanium is roughly 3 times or 300% the strength of stainless steel for the same weight, not 160% as with steel. Even over the rust issues that stainless gets around, it's weight and fatigue factors make titanium far superior to stainless in volumetric and weight terms, where as steel is stronger for the volume. It is almost as non reactive as platinum. But as has been said in other threads, aluminium usually works out lighter. To get around fracture thickness most metals need a certain thickness to make them stiff, pop can versus sigg bottle, titanium has remarkable anti fatigue flexing qualities. Try sticking magnesium and stainless through on your programme. Try different thicknesses, and like the people say, see if it regains it's original sahpe or is deformed
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Materials chosen were...

Steel: AISI 304
Aluminium: 6061-T6
Titanium: Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Solution Treated Bar

The steel and ally were picked on the basis that they were a decent guess at the sort of materials that might be used for outdoor kit. I know very little about titanium, so just picked one at random.

I did the numbers twice, first for an applied force of 100N (arbitrary choice) and then 10N, mainly in case one of the materials was being pushed too far (becoming damaged) with the stronger force. The numbers for all cases (ie, for each material, and for the varying thicknesses of the materials) were completely consistent: all displacements at 10N were 10% of those at 100N. Maybe the software (SolidWorks 2014) doesn't account for things like whether a material would fail beyond a certain force, or whether it would remain deformed. Maybe it reckoned all materials were within their capacities and would just flex and recover.

Maybe the SolidWorks data for titanium is wrong, or maybe the particular one I chose isn't representative. I wasn't out to prove anything - I just found the numbers interesting, and decided to look into it because there is often comparison of the materials in general gear discussion, but without going into things like the relative thicknesses used.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Materials chosen were...

Steel: AISI 304
Aluminium: 6061-T6
Titanium: Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Solution Treated Bar

The steel and ally were picked on the basis that they were a decent guess at the sort of materials that might be used for outdoor kit. I know very little about titanium, so just picked one at random.....

Sounds reasonable. 6061-T6 certainly used to be reasonably common in external packframes; but I believe the aluminum staves in the newer internal frame packs is a softer, more malleable alloy to ease hand forming it to a personal fit.
Nov 29, 2004
In my experience, titanium cookware makes for a much lighter backpack, however a titanium pot that gets dented or bent badly will be prone to split along that bend or dent, whereas a steel pot can be bent back into shape with no probs.



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