Message to self. Avoid internet after bad day at work, and a couple of drinks.


Oct 2, 2009
Just bought a hultafors agdor trekking axe from Tamarack. Well, they do have a sale on. Due next week I think.

It'll look lovely in amongst my husqvarna hatchet, GB SFA, rehandled old Brades kent pattern, and my pointy sledgehammer of a maul. I'll let you know how it compares.

That said, I'm going to have to stop doing this sort of thing, the garage is big, but it's not THAT big.

The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
Hey, I woke up one morning to find I was doing a Zip-Slide off a 140 foot Bridge thanks to a bottle of wine, and I hate heights!

A new axe I could have lived with :)


Oct 2, 2009
Bundleman. I'm guessing you haven't seen my garage. double, workshop behind, and 3 rooms upstairs...

It arrived today, and first impressions are that it's not far off the length of the small forest, but the head's much meatier and less concave, and the handle couldn't be described as delicate, but it's solidly put together, and will be a better splitter than the SFA. (The profile of the head's more like the old husqvarna hatchet)

I shall bash a stick with it tomorrow, and let you know of the outcome. (I'm not betting on the stick though)


Oct 2, 2009
Well, I've swung it a bit, alongside my SFA.

I'm lucky enough to live in the middle of nowhere, and I know the landowner fairly well. He doesn't mind me sorting out the odd little problem.

So, I went out for a walk and I found a pair of fallen trees over a track. Which was handy, as I had a pair of axes in my pack....

Id got a bit carried away with myself before I thought to take a pic, but here's the 1st one.


The hultafors was used 1st, and it seemed to cut really nicely, and the thick handle fitted my 'farmers' hands well.

I took the 1st tree out of the way with the hultafors, in about 5 to 10 minutes. Not being particularly used to this sort of thing, my arms were beginning to tire by the end of it.

Then the log was shifted, and the SFA came out. Its handle was like a pencil in comparison to the hulty, but it cut a lot better. Mind you, the hulty's just got its ground edge, and the SFA's had a bit of tidying, and has even been put on the sharpmaker, so this could have something to do with it....


My hands were happier swinging the Hulty, but my arms were happier with the SFA. I might spend an hour in the garage tarting the edge up, and head on out to find another pair of trees.

Limbing was completely different. The heavier hulty bashed through them, the SFA sliced through them.

The track is now open again, and I'm no nearer working out which one is better. Thank goodness it's been windy.

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