Before posting your items for sale, please read the rules and guidelines on using the Classified area. They were updated in 2020.
Sellers frequently post variations on the theme where they say/imply/ask buyers to pay Paypal fees. This is not following forum policy. Any fees must be included in the price shown.
Sellers shall not ask for payment via PayPal Friends and Family, publicly or privately.
Members' Classifieds Rules
Updated 04/04/2024 - 10 items from 8 items for sale Updated 03/11/2020 IMPORTANT! This is a private, paying-members-only forum for, buying, selling & trading stuff with other members. Neither, Bushcraft UK, nor any of its representatives take any responsibility for...

Sellers frequently post variations on the theme where they say/imply/ask buyers to pay Paypal fees. This is not following forum policy. Any fees must be included in the price shown.
Sellers shall not ask for payment via PayPal Friends and Family, publicly or privately.