making a wooden knife sheath?

unfortunately the leather sheath of my knife has- despite lots of care!-suffered from years in humid and hot environments and is on it's way out. as leather is not the best material for the tropics and i have no kydex (or likewise material) available nor any workexperience with it i was thinking of a wooden sheath with nylon webbing attachment to the belt. has anyone tried this idea(if it works for parangs and likewise it should work for smaller blades, too...)? and if yes- any info's regarding achieving a good fit?



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Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
No reasons at all why not. From picking up a suitable stick in the wood, splitting it and carving the space for your blade, to carving an elaborate sheath, they look and perform very well. I have made a couple of sheaths, for a kukri, in fact it's not yet finished :rolleyes: due to having too many projects on the go at the same time... and they are easy to make.


Where I found the pics.

A few more pics here.


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