Lowe Alpine vs Awry LA Sting

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Aug 23, 2018
I have another thread going which is very helpful and Ive decided on a Lowe Alpine sting.

Question now is whether to aim for one of the branded originals or the Awry versions made for the Dutch army.

Just found a fairly good youtube review online which outlines main differences in the packs, I think.

Also included some other online info

Looks like the Arwy was maybe done cheaper than the original.

More reflective material, one commenter felt the Awry was actually a polyester not cordura nylon, but these seems doubtful to me. Maybe someone with one can comment.

600D vs 1000D. Weight estimates vary a lot but two the reivewer quotes are 3.4kg for the LA sting and 2.8kg for the Awry sting. However I checked a lot of other reviews including here and no one ever claimed anything like 3.4kg for any LA pack, never over 3kg in fact so not sure whats going on there...

Awry has lighter buckles, however uses the berg style buckle on the front

Awry is single stitched in places vs double stitched for the Low Alpine brand.

The zip orientation is different between them.
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going to try and get a definitive weight on the original Low alpine stings as if its 3kg+ I wont go for that version. Not much point dropping back from a 3.1kg berghaus Vulcan with 100L capacity to a pack 25L smaller at the same weight... defeats the purpose.

The Awry despite the video reviewers comments, do seem to be well regarded according to other online sources. His words were everyone who has an Awry is looking to go back to the originals...
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This thread may help? Shows quite a diversity of weights though! You could also use it to contact the posters directly to confirm which version they have.

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Thanks I saw the thread and its sort of funny. The OP asked for actual weights being he had heard several different weights like 1.7, 2.8, 3.4 previously ......and then got answers saying 1.5, 2.042, 2.6 etc LOL. So it didnt really clear anything up for anyone .

I just got an email back from supplyoutoutdoors saying their original low alpines stings are 3.1 with pouches.
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That is pretty weighty, but I suppose if those are 12.5 litre pouches then you are adding quite a bit of capacity to it. But that base weight is still going to be, what, 2.6 kg?
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Yes good estimate, this was supplyandoutdoors email I just got
"The Lowe alpine bags we currently have are like new condition, very little use if any on some,.

the bags weigh around 2.5kg empty with no side pockets, side pockets weigh around 300g each, so total weight around 3.1 kg with side packs"

I think an Awry version with the rocket pouches off is what I will try for.
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Just weighed my bag AWRY Gen 1 MMPS type with digital scales.

2.11 Kg just the bag

2.93 with 2 pouches and the straps that come with. these are probably the heaviest of the versions available.

Looking at my bag there is so much "unneeded to me" straps and clips I could probably save 1Kg by getting rid of it.




Just loaded up a PLCE against a AWRY side pouch.

Empty Awry pouch 0.37 kg
Empty PLCE pouch 0.31 kg

I loaded them with the same random amount of gear, 2 fleece tops, a cotton hoodie and a woolpower cardi
here's the images:






Thanks mate, great pics. I mentioned it elsewhere as well, what are your thoughts on the surface of the Awry packs. Some reviewers say they are quite a bit shinier than the low alpine versions. Can see above the PLCE does look more understated and matt appearance, or maybe its just older
Btw despite being lighter the plce packs also seem bigger volume. Are they higher capacity than the sting packs in practice? Interestingly I have seen both 10l and 15l listed for rocket pouches on UK bergens but this may be totally different pouch types. Btw thanks again for your assistance with buying a gen 2 sting pack!
Btw despite being lighter the plce packs also seem bigger volume. Are they higher capacity than the sting packs in practice? Interestingly I have seen both 10l and 15l listed for rocket pouches on UK bergens but this may be totally different pouch types. Btw thanks again for your assistance with buying a gen 2 sting pack!
The PLCE ones from KarrimorSF are 12.5 litres each (total 25).

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Btw despite being lighter the plce packs also seem bigger volume. Are they higher capacity than the sting packs in practice? Interestingly I have seen both 10l and 15l listed for rocket pouches on UK bergens but this may be totally different pouch types. Btw thanks again for your assistance with buying a gen 2 sting pack!

Yes the PLCE ones are often quoted as 10L but are bigger. Did Bex Outdoors do a test where is filled them up? I don't think it was the intention but a great nappy bag when you have small ones!


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