looking to buy an underblanket


Jan 29, 2007
Before I shell out almost $200 new for one, I was wondering if anyone has an older one they want to get rid of? I'm not handy at sewing, and, working full time & going to school, I honestly dont have time for it. So, if anyone is willing to part with one, let me know. Also, I am in the US, so please take that into account. I will be willing to trade...let me know what you're looking for, & I'll let you know what I have/can scrounge. Thanks!


Mar 5, 2006
Does it work well to sleep on a big alumat ? (aluminium insulating mat)

I've got a couple for 2 persons. Guess I'll try it out, never did coz I have the underquilt :). But if it works it's definately cheaper.
Scots_Charles_River said:
Why not sleep on your Thermarest or Car winscreen sun reflector/deflector ?


I have that same question too, I have a thermarest and was going to use that alone but after reading lots of posts on here and SOTP, the concensus is that there will be cold spots on the sides where the sleep mat does not reach.

I saw the widnscreen sun refelctors in Liddles and wondered if they might do? Have you tried them or something similiar?
Hi List,

Well this is my first posting so I will try to properly introduce myself in a seperate mail. Have been lurking for a while now.

My personal experience is that the alu reflector type of pads (wether true mats or just sunreflectors) tear easily. So allthough cheap, after 3 tries I gave up on them. Maybe I toss and turn too much in my Hennessy ;-)

If you would use a sleeping mat, put it INSIDE your sleeping bag.

My 3/4 thermarest (half inflated and inside my bag) still left me with cold feet.

My (cheap) closed cell foam mat, cut up to my silhouette (spelling?), put in my sleeping bag works well enough and is a cheap solution. (used in Holland/Belgium/Luxembourgh)

My No Sniveler Underquilt works very well too.

Next stop/try will probably be a synthetic underquilt (down vrs synthetic test).

Hope this helps.

Off to greet our sunday visitors, so my proper intro will be there somewhere today I hope ;-)

Grtz Johan / Born2Roam


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 12, 2006
paddling a loch
w00dsmoke said:
I have that same question too, I have a thermarest and was going to use that alone but after reading lots of posts on here and SOTP, the concensus is that there will be cold spots on the sides where the sleep mat does not reach.

I used my thermarest in between the layers of my ddhammock on Fri. night at the SotP meet at inchcailloch. No cold spots. I'm 6ft and heavy so touched the sides but fine.

w00dsmoke said:
I saw the widnscreen sun refelctors in Liddles and wondered if they might do? Have you tried them or something similiar?

I put a small windscreen shield in at my head and instantly felt the heat.

Def. a light and easy option. Dbls as a seat insulater.



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