Interesting thread. I'm contemplating getting my old bike out after a few years and wondered if I could turn it into a kind of fast tourer. Its actually an Mtrax road bike (race division of Raleigh when I bought it cost me £450 back then about 10-20 years ago I think). It has the Reynolds 638 tubing (think the number is right anyway it was the best tubing at the time for road and tourers IIRC). The typical frame gear changers we had back then (the STIU shifters type were very expensive back then).
I was just wondering if it would be possible to add racks and panniers to it and if it would handle ok. I think it was the Mtrax 4000 model if anyone knows it. Does anyone know what weight is bearable to cycle with on their bike? I am a lightish weight backpacker and my base load is in the region of 5-6kg but is this too heavy for a road bike converted into a light / fast tourer? My problem is I have to work with what I have as I don't have too much spare cash these days. If its not possible then its not and I will have to save up but if I can just get away with racks and panniers, perhaps with some braze on attachments put on by a suitable person then It might be possible.
Sorry for a little hijack.