Local Country Show

Aug 4, 2013
We went to a local country show on Sunday. It wasn't great and mainly seemed like an excuse to extract as much money for as little reward as possible.

However there was some fun to be had. Little Boots tried shooting with an air rifle for the first time, proving to be a pretty good shot. Using a catapault was not so successful, but I wasn't too bad, which has prompted me to get one out I have at home. I bought it ages ago and have used it about twice, but now plan to see if I can get proficient at it.

The best bit of the day as far as Little Boots was concerned was a stand where you could have a good old ping at some military-style targets using airsoft guns. This was part of a stand being run by ex-SAS man Bob Podesta and we both enjoyed a session he ran on Fire-lighting Without Matches. A neat little variation on the wire wool and battery method was whipping the face off of a torch and poking the wool in the hole.

I also attended another session Bob ran called Knots You Need To Know. Whilst I was familiar with a couple, it did clarify them in my mind (being entirely self-taught) to see someone else tying them. And of course I learnt some new ones - The Alpine Butterfly Knot and how to tie a Double Figure Eight Knot off against a post/bar to support climbing/hanging weight.

It was the best thing in the show.


May 29, 2014
Highclere by any chance? We went on the Monday. Nice to stroll round, and I enjoyed a tasty hog roast gap, but that was about it. Had hoped to bag some waterproof trousers but didn't have any luck!
Aug 4, 2013
It was.

Expensive way to experience a hog roast no matter how good tho'

Bob was great tho'. Little Boots is now claiming to have been taught fire-starting by the SAS!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.