living in the woods


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I'd love to live in a community working the woods and land with nothing but horse power, Unfortunately, the reality makes it almost impossible.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2006
Hi Stu
Im suprised this is being looked at in Nairn as the Findhorn Foundation is only a few miles down the road and has around 50 eco-friendly homes already along with sharing some of the common intrest mentioned in the report. Perhaps sombody from the Foundation is wanting start a new community?
From what ive seen at Findhorn a vibrant community exists with a mixture of artisans, spiritualists and folk that want to live a very green life, that has been going 40 odd years now. Perhaps a new community could exist?
I vist the Foundation quite often but more because the cafe does nice tea and cakes and im jealous of the family that live in a Yurt.:)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
There's a lot of interest, but buying into Findhorn is way out of the pockets of most who aspire to this type of green living.

There's a lot of talk of eco villages around, a lot of people trying to get them off the ground, so to speak, but there seems to be an awful lot of hurdles to jump.
I have friends who had a good acreage and plans for an eco village, priced for local folks in the centre of tourist attraction Perthshire. The whole thing fell through when a european who visited the area decided to sue them for discrimination, since he wanted to buy a plot, build a house and just visit for a month a year but rent out the property to tourists, and they were refusing him and his right to do so since he wasn't a local. The land is now a pine plantation.

I notice too that private housing developers are jumping on the bandwagon and building their version of eco villages.....complete with an estate building style :rolleyes:

I'd love to see them take off as a viable and thriving housing initiative.



Jan 28, 2005
Prince Charles has just bought an estate close to me and have plans to develop a similar project .
I think its a great idea :)

I have to warn you of having anything to do with prince charles's housing schemes .
I live near his village of poundbury , which he tried to press his ideals on whilst playing architect . Quite a few of the houses have been condemnd and houses that sold for £600 grand are now nearly worthless . now thats affordable housing !!!
The problems from poundbury are well known localy , but there is apparently a press black out on it .


I'd almost forgotten about findhorn (from my Mother Earth days.).

The problem is that agreements (covenants ; trusts; etc) always please some and anger others.

I could never bear to be told what to do with my land, but I do not understand the rules outside the USA, and maybe not even here.

Seems like someone is always thinking I belong to them and they have the right to tell me how I have to do things.

One of the sad things of these times is that there are no real "frontiers" where one can just go and live as one pleases so long as one harms no other. We are all living in each others pockets these days, and somebody is always unhappy.

On a slightly different note I'm reading Walden, and if not for family would love to give the simple basic life a try.

Thanks for the findhorn concept, I need to re read about them again.
I'm in two minds about this.

The idealist in me would love to see it take off and copied, countrywide.

The pragmatist (or cynic!) in me says that our wee islands are way too over crowded and somebody, somewhere is trying to make a fast buck out of our dwindling wild places by circumventing housing development/ green belt planning laws by using the fashionable "eco" tag.

Steve R

Jan 29, 2007
Lincolnshire UK
I would be more impressed with schemes to make existing houses more eco friendly. IMO schemes like the one in the article are open to the abuse of building on green belt land just for the sake (money) of it.


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