Leatherman Wave Qriginal.....Help!

Jan 30, 2006
Thanks to those who said wait a while & you'll find it.

Down at the allotment today after a rainstorm & who do I see peeping out of the soil........:lmao:


I've gone and lost my Leatherman Wave Original - had it for 15 years and it had been all over the world with me.

Have any of you good people got any idea where I would find one of these - I'm moping around like I've lost my best mate...:(:(:(

The model in the link below:

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Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
That's sad news. Give it some time before replacing it. It may even turn up. After 15 years its been doing just that with your help. Think about replacing it with something different, a better Leatherman perhaps. If I replaced some on my lost knives, I would always see it as a reminder. There is a old saying " you can't erase a love letter with a nipple, No matter how rubbery" I have been wanting to replace my late dads stolen air rifle. I have held off until I can find one as original to his as possible. A rapid 7. I know it will never be his gun, but for some reason it seems important for the like for like. I have considered other makes, but that would just be like owning a gun to me. I hope your old knife turns up, just for your peace of mind.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I feel for you mate. I had a steel insulated mug that I'd pick up in Vancouver and it travelled the world with me. It was the mug I used where ever I was in the world working/playing. It was nothing to look at, but I could tell you how nearly ever ding it had came about.

Had it for 13 years, and some one nicked it. I left it on a picnic bench at my visitor centre as I had finished my morning coffee and was emptying all the bins, came back less that 15 mins later and it was gone :( am still gutted about its loss. No financial value think I paid about $20 for it but HUGE sentimental value as it was a constant piece of kit.

I really hope your wave turns up....... mind you the advice about getting a new and better one works too Ive treated myself to a alpkit titanium mug. Just have to not loose this one!
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Nov 16, 2013
Positive thoughts, it may turn up. I lost mine a few years back, one that I've had since 2000. It turned up earlier this year in my fishing bag. Strange thing is, I knew when I last had it (replacing the starter motor in a field on my old campervan) and I haven't been fishing since then!! I just presumed I'd left it behind in the field.

I refused to buy a new Leatherman as it wouldn't have been the same so I bought a Gerber instead. So now I have two multi-tools :D

Fingers crossed yours turns up in a similarly strange place!!


Full Member
Jun 6, 2004
Something better than a Leatherman Wave - Thats 'fightin Talk'! ;) ( per Didicoy above )

Whitby & Co are the Uk distributors - if you can stand the wait, try a polite letter after Christmas and see what happens.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hi...so what's the different to an original Leatherman wave and the ones which are available today?

I know its not the same as having the one you had, but why not just y another wave! If it has everything you need on it?



Full Member
Apr 20, 2005
Coventry (and surveying trees uk wide)
i know totally how you feel. i lost mine last month whilst c
reducing a willow. searched for ages and didn't find it. was gutted.
Had to return to the job a week latter to do another tree and, lo and behold there it was, sat at the bottom of a 2' deep brook. was in perfect nick and is as good as new after a quick dry, clean and oil.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.