Lavender Tea


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
It's a kind of *new* thing to actually *eat* lavender, despite what the folks who claim it's old, think.

In the past Lavender was a cleansing herb. The Romans used that *tea* to wash their backsides after they'd had the long sit down kind of toilet experience ;)
It's a very decent cleanser/antiseptic/antibactericide.

I use Lavender water to rinse out the sinks and the loo, and I use lavender flowers in the laundry stuff.
That's it really.
Frankly, I think it tastes awful, but I'm an old stick in the mud :D


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Ghastly flavour - great perfume and soother!
Lavender oil is great for burns as well - and great for calming you and your body....


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Many moons ago, before essential oils were commonly available, I was taught to make enfleurage. This was an essence rich fatty pomade that was the basis of not only old fashioned perfumes, but also herbal remedies.

These days I use the oil and I make tincture from the flowers. It's not only healing but it is very gently soothing on damaged skin.
I find the tincture is actually better for burns than the oil. It cools as the alcohol evaporates, sterilises the area and leaves a fine antibacterial layer.

Can I ask those who drink the tea ?
Does it seem to have any effect on your gut bacteria ?



Jun 22, 2009
lavendar the smell of old women..... bitty!

never tried it as a tea nice drowsey smell though great sleep aid especially when mixed with hops

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
As a trained (but currently uninsured and therefor "non-practicing") aromatherapist I will stick to the oils.....
I realy must start distilling my own though! :)
Lavender is a supurb oil, with a wide range of aplications and is the "mother" of modern aromatherapy.
I have reservations (including the taste) about ingesting lavender but just love the aroma. Many people I know use the oil combined with Reiki relaxes the client and helps them "get into" the treatment.
Just walking through a couple of lavender bushes releases a glorious scent that is soooooo relaxing!
Lavender tea undoes all the good work of the scent as it is so unpleasant I simply tense up all my muscles in an attempt to avoid being ill! :)
Mind you chamomile tea - also recommended for relaxation, calming etc - makes me want to relax my lunch all over the floor!
Everyone is different......
Well matured barley, hops, yeast and water can be very relaxing, taken in a suitable dose (especially if taken at lunch time in a warm environment) and various mixes provide enough variation in flavour to prove acceptable to most people.
It has a mild diuretic effect that helps avoid the build up of renal calculus and is one of the treatments available that is recommended by both my GP and my herbalist as a good "system flusher". Stronger brews are said to possibly lead to liver damage if taken in too large a dose over long periods. Some of the imported, darker brews contain lots of iron but I find that they can do strange things to my digestion.
I find these brews superior in every way to lavender tissans but you have to avoid those that are chemically adulterated (which tend to be the cheaper brands) and keep to those usually described as "Real" to enjoy the best effects and most acceptable aromas and flavours.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Just walking through a couple of lavender bushes releases a glorious scent that is soooooo relaxing!

Everyone is different......
Well matured barley, hops, yeast and water can be very relaxing, taken in a suitable dose (especially if taken at lunch time in a warm environment) and various mixes provide enough variation in flavour to prove acceptable to most people.

I find these brews superior in every way to lavender tissans but you have to avoid those that are chemically adulterated (which tend to be the cheaper brands) and keep to those usually described as "Real" to enjoy the best effects and most acceptable aromas and flavours.

You must visit my new place John..the sixty lavender bushes will be a year or two until they reach their best, but I have established the still room and one of my neighbours grows his own hops. They make a very pleasant infusion with malted barley :)

I'm with you on the Valerian btw although I do use Valerian root and grow it, it needs some powerful flavours with it to render it non gagging!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
You must visit my new place John..the sixty lavender bushes will be a year or two until they reach their best, but I have established the still room and one of my neighbours grows his own hops. They make a very pleasant infusion with malted barley :)

I'm with you on the Valerian btw although I do use Valerian root and grow it, it needs some powerful flavours with it to render it non gagging!

Valerian works very well for me, better than ale in some ways becuase it doesn't make me want to pee at 4 in the morning. :eek:

I really do have to choke it down though it smells and tases a bit 'animal' to me. Toddy, I have no idea how you make it taste like peas, please illucidate?


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