Klippe - Wilderness Wiki


Mar 5, 2008
New England
Hey everyone,

I'm from the states, and Justin from jacks shed just pointed me over here. I think it's awesome! Not sure how I missed it through all my time on the web. I'd like to share with you a project I've been working on for a while now, Klippe - The Wilderness Wiki. It's a place for information to be compiled on everything related to being outside. The idea is that anyone can post their articles and media, creating a massive resource for outdoor enthusiasts, that is well-organized and easily accessible. In that regard, it's quite similar to BushcraftUK. Since its launch, it's also serving as a way to 'archive' excellent posts and threads in forums that would otherwise get relegated to page 72 of the archived threads list. In this regard, we've been working very closely with Bladeforums.com (sticky in their WSS subform), EDCforums, PaleoPlanet, jacks shed, and Armas Blancas (Spanish forum). It looks like you guys already have a good system for doing this, but if you'd like to add your work to Klippe, we'd absolutely welcome it.

Right now, we have 34 finished articles, 19 more articles under construction, over a hundred photos, and a fair amount of videos. It's been off to a great start! Justin, for example, sent in the photos of his fish/crayfish trap being built, making an excellent article: http://funditor.110mb.com/wiki/index.php/Crayfish,_Fish,_and_Eel_Trap

You are welcome to add just about anything related to the outdoors: Encyclopedic articles on wilderness skills and tools, DIY projects, personal stories, reviews of gear you own, and information and pictures on places you've been are all welcome; if you've already written something here, feel free to post it on Klippe. You do not need to sign up to edit, but I highly encourage you to do so because there is a messaging system there to help people communicate.

You can give yourself full credit to any articles, photos, or video that you put onto Klippe and/or link back to your own website from there. If you would like to submit media for use there, but don't have the time to do it yourself, please just e-mail me the file(s) at funditor.info@gmail.com.

Here's an outline of what we're writing:
* Information on Maps
* How to read a map
* Information on compasses
* Using a compass with a map
* Navigating by celestial bodies
o Navigating by Sun
o Navigating by Moon
o Navigating by Stars

* Reviews of any equipment
* Gear you should carry
o Basics
o For mountainous terrain
o For snowy terrain
o For permanently wet environments
o For permanently dry environments

* How to load a day pack
* How to load a kayak/canoe
* How to load a pack animal

* Fire basics
* Modern fire starters
* Primitive fire starters
o Flint and Steel
o Bow Drill
o Hand Drill
o Fire Plow
o Fire Thong
o Fire Piston
o Fire from Ice
* Tinder and Kindling
* Types of fires
* Simple Fire Starting

* Nutrition Information
* Food to pack
* Edible plants
* Modern stoves and how to use them
* Primitive cooking methods
* Dutch Oven Cooking
* Reflector Oven Cooking
* Recipes

* Selecting places to sleep
* Modern shelters
o Tents
o Tarps
o Bivy sacks
* Primitive shelters
o Debris huts
o Scout pits
o Snow shelters

* Reading weather signs
* Understanding geographical features
* Wildlife
o Mammals
o Birds
o Reptiles
+ Snakes
o Amphibians
* Fungi
o Edible mushrooms
o Dangerous mushrooms
* Plants
o Trees and their uses
o Other plants and their uses
o Edible plants

First Aid
* Cuts
* Bone fractures and sprains
* Hypothermia
* Heat Stroke
* Burns

* Signaling
* Leading a group in a survival situation
* Hunting
o Traps and deadfalls
o Snares
o Primitive Weapons
+ Sling
+ Throwing Stick
* Water and its purification

General Knowledge
* Knots to know
* Recreation
o Slinging
o Games to play while on the trail
o Photography

If you know anything about any of these categories, you are welcome at Klippe! Your writing doesn't have to be long, and you don't need to be a complete expert. If you start an article and include a bit of solid information, more people will add to it and further develop it; one good paragraph can evolve into a comprehensive article.

Now, the cool part: the montage of photos showing what we're up to :)

Please stop by and let me know what you think :)

Thanks for reading,

Mike (Funditor)
Nov 29, 2004
Looks good, great potential :) a wiki is the perfect way to share this kind of info. I think that there is a BCUK wiki in the works too.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.