Just wanted to say hello everyone


Oct 22, 2020
Evening all, haven't been on here for a while - Last year was up to the wotsits in work and barely a moment to breathe, then the start of the year it's been quite a slow old launch to 2024, spent the majority of Christmas and January doing up and kitting out our camper, went up to Scotland in Feb which was lovely, then since March wife and I have been back and forth ill (probably a stray covid in there somewhere), knocked the wind out of my mental sails for a bit...but hey ho, thats life eh!
Now getting back on with things and who knows, might end up running out of time and barely having a moment to breathe again :rolleyes::D

Hope you're all doing well and that not much has changed with everyone (unless its for the better!)

:sunshine: Stay Sunny! .......ironically, suns gone down and it's raining right now! :lmao:


Oct 22, 2020
Thank you guys :)

We both work with members of the public and despite having a wonderful place of work and dealing with absolutely lovely people and rarely any problematic folk, I feel like our jobs and our personal lives are actually polar opposites to our professional lives and being either on our own or with like-minded folks in the wild is where we're pretty comfortable...

As far as camping/bushcraft efforts are going, we've been pretty "luxuriously" camping in some regards (kinda).... Last year we sold our van and bought a Defender (something we've been eyeing for quite a while). As mentioned, we spent Christmas and after kitting it out in the back, then February we trundled up to Scotland and headed up the West coast to the North coast. The scenery was stunning and despite heading up in record time we had wild (van) camped all the way up and we seemed to feel we had spent a lot of time in the wild and away from people.
As we hit the North coast we thought John O'Groats must be the place to go... but as we headed East, the roads just seemed a bit busier, the scenery got that bit flatter, there was more people and I guess I hit that point where human interaction seemed to tip me over the edge where I felt that "work" feeling again and we both decided to figuratively and literally head for the hills... we turned around at Thurso and headed back and to avoid overly retracing our steps we headed inland! Again back into relative population sparsity and peace! Finding lots of little nooks with which to pull off and set up camp, have a little fire going etc.

So back where I said luxuriously camping (kinda) up there, I was referring to the fact that we had sacrificed bed space for storage space, so with the extremely tight proximity quarters, the wife and I, romantically decided that sleeping top to tail gave us the most space :lol:... which brings me onto the next thing - a roof tent! Which is definitely luxury!

But, all that aside, as much I love Landrovering about the place, I am also keen to find a moment to get back into the wild with just a rucksack and some form of sleeping quarters! So here's to another foot powered wild camp sometime! :beerchug:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.