just three items left now

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nobody interested in 2 for one or 3 for one ?
also looking for msr stowaway pot any size but condition vital
hollow handled survival knife
copy of british army survival knife (unaltered or modded)
puukko of any description as long as its in good condition
condor nessmuk
condor Canadian
condor rodan
bear grylls compact parang?
gerber sport axe in vgc
update to this thread. although its actually been withdrawn
bear grylls striker gone
torch gone
small catty gone
11.5mm ammo mold gone
still remaining if anyone is interested is the clear Lucite catapult
and the us army issue thermobak camelback
just trades though not bothered about selling them.
items remaining are clear Lucite catty virtually indestructible piece of kit just a little too big for my hand ive only got little paws.
14mm ammo mold is still here
us issue 3 litre camelback thermobak
all sorts of offers welcomed along the lines of my wants lists.
only looking for cheappo items
wanted list is now amended these items must go so in order to get hold of the kit im after in some cases I will do 3 of my items for one of yours if its the right item and right condition etc
here is the new list
bcb crusader mess tins must be mint condition
survival type fixed blade knife in good to very good condition
british army survival knife or copy of in un modified condition and in good nick
british army commando knife (fairbourne sykes style copy of
light my fire knife any colour but pristine condition
mora robust grey colour
mora long slim wood carving knife
stainless steel mora knives what have you got
victorinox swiss army knife alox type ie farmer etc others considered dependant on condition and scale colours
rough rider drop point hunter
dajo survival knife.
other gear needed includes
16cm zebra billy in as new condition
12 cm zebra in as new condition
mkettle in good clean order
belt pouch posslbles pouch nylon high quality make
belt pouch leather in good clean condition
as I mentioned before I am willing to combine my stuff for trades of the right sort of gear.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.