Just in case?


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Having just read John Fenna's paranoid ramblings about his parcel from Dave Budd, one particular post got me thinking...
Now I'm not a believer in this 21st December TEOTWAWKI business but should we prepare just in case? OK the world is no more likely to end that day than any other and no I'm not a prepper, but would it harm just to have a few things together so we don't get caught with our trousers down if it did hit the fan? Or at very least a good excuse to sort out my kit so I know where everything is!

Just a thought.


I am a prepper and may trade beans and corned beef with you on the 22nd.....whatcha got?

On a serious note, I'd not worry, last time I got abducted and probed they told me after the proceedure the world won't end until May 1st, don't ask me why that date and don't shoot the messenger, just relaying what 'they' told me.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Well I got alot of camping gear that I could pack pretty quickly, I'm not worried though, the y2k bug, sars, swine and bird flu scares are much more tangible threats and well they didn't cause TEOTWAWKI. Some people like to be scared and some people like to sell books and papers, an unfortunate combination
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Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Yay, good thread, made me laugh.

But being a bit serious, knowledge and nous (knowing how to use the knowledge) and gumption (initiative and having the sense to learn how to problem solve) are prob more improtant than shed-fulls of cans and stuff. I hope - now I've met you guys here - to learn more and also to learn how to use the knowledge and what to look for. I used to be very good at problem solving when I was working as a project manager, hope some of the skills have lasted ...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.