My local community college started as an agricultural school after WW2. It has a splendid orchard in which I was a student worker. My supervisor was this Tom Bombadil type gnome with a grey beard and ponytail. He had a huge collection of ducks, geese and a pair of swans donated by people who couldn't keep them. It was delightfull watching this mob patrol the columns eating insects. I wore old tiger Stripes for working kit. I was up a huge avacodo tree in full leaf checking a insect vector trap when these two 'Men in Black' types showed up with the sunglasses, MAC 10s,and radios to 'secure' the perimeter. Reagan was making a campaign appearance in the footbal stadium above us. I was trying not to giggle watching these guys helping to round up all the birds, especially when mrs swan turned on one rather angrily. He was falling all over himself when I literally dropped from the tree a la' Rambo and calmed our swan queen into putting her head in my hand. Will Smith freaked out, demanding I.D.- which I produced with my military reservist card . We walked UP the hill past the 3 story high cment wall of the stadium to the specimen botanical forest ON THE HILL above the stadium. I climbed a big old lodgepole pine and had a perfect sniper's view of Ronnie. Joke is, a girl was in the tree next to me in that greygreen loden moleskin . It wasn't till I smelled her cologn that I spotted her