I like Hammocks.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
No clouds and only 3 degs C already....



Oct 20, 2006
Oban, Scotland
If i hear of a Iceman found in a hammock in Dorset i will know its you! Hope your warm enough! I need to test out my new underblanket/quilt for my hennessey hammock. but weathers looking horrid for up in scotland for this week :(

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Lol Sanji

Nope. Didnt turn into an iceman.

The kids did decide I was abominable when I dragged them out of bed for school this morning though

Always nice to get my own back on them after the weekend

Stayed in my hammock until about 3am. By then the wind was 50mph and the temp was 0c and it was raining. Hard.

It was slightly damp and as the hammock doesnt quite close, I got a cold stomach.

Back was fine, so were my sides, except my rib.

Its not anything like as bad as a standard setup is with a tarp and sleeping bag. I have two layers of cloth above me, but it really isnt enough.

I am happy with the underside.

I am winning.

Going to fiddle a bit with it later to get some more data, then pull it apart and start again.

Got to go get some bolts to go fix the car first though.

My towbar is off.

It needs completely rewiring too.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Got the bolts

Took them home...

1/8" too short.

Got more bolts

Took them home.

Nice fit

Discovered the towbar lighting socket is cracked.

Went to shop and bought another.

Got home

No bolts for it

Returned to shop and got bolts

Heads too big for socket

Back to shop more bolts

Cant do it now till tomorrow.

Decided to fix a bit of hammock.

Needed some velcro. Got some but the wife cleared all the stuff out of the cutlery tray

Drove to shop to buy some more.

Got hooks instead of eyes

Drove to shop and got some of the right stuff...

Drove home

Started sewing, bottom bobin ran out.

Stopped. Refilled bottom bobbin with thread.

Did a spare so I have two.

Reethreaded machine, didnt pull enough slack through started to sew, machine unthreaded itself, I started swearing.

I suppose I was doing ok up till then...

Spent the next 1/2 hour trying to sew 14 inches of velcro on.

Discovered I needed 15 inches.

Finally discovered why machine keeps tying knots out of its thread, the cotton managed to loop itself in a knot around the tensioner...

Just managed to do another 1/4 inch, when alarm tells me its time to get the brats.

Packed up cursing...

Got into car, alarm went off again, seems I put it onto snooze rather than turn it off.

Trying to get it out of my pocket at the lights,

Copper in next lane threatening to do me for driving while on the phone....

But its telling me to pick up the kids

No its not, I heard you swearing at whoever is on the other end...

I might like Hammocks, but I HATE Mondays

How come most of my weeks seem to have at least three Mondays?

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Went to have another look at my hammock.

Its grown another brat.

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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
I like this mozzie net.

It kept most of the wind out and stopped me losing so much heat.

It made a noticable difference.


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
I suppose it would go round me that far if I wasnt so vertically challenged.

Im the right width, but I should be 17 ft tall.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Visited mothers and had a picnic.

I know it might sound unbelievable, but that really is a jaffa cake, ham and chicken slice, primula cheese, chcolate spread and chips roll.

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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
The wife has gone home.

Maybe we might reach a tuesday pretty soon

Im not holding my breath, but maybe....

Hopefully in about a week, I will find where she hid all my stuff again.

I dont understand why she cant eat dinner on the table if its got a sewing machine and a tow hitch on it.

I dont know why you have to put away all the tools you are in the middle of using, but when she helps.....

Everything gets slower.

Little one just told me that he just shook some lumps of milk out onto his cornflakes but now it doesnt taste quite right.


Looks like its cafe time again.

Grumble, Grumble....

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
I would like to go boating.

It sort of calms me down and gives me a sense of peace.

Except there is far too much wind at the mo.

Went and had a look and took this shot.

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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
The man with the kite didnt use a ramp to get up there. He just swooped his kite and it picked him up.

Not good boating wind.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
There is too much stuff in my lounge, so I think I need to go talk to the Vicar.

Until then, I cant really go any further with my hammock building.


I suppose I will just have to use it as it is and find some other stuff to play with so I dont get bored.....


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 19, 2009
Hamilton... scotland
What a brilliant read, your kids are very clever , u must be very proud of them
Er' do u like hammock's
so do i
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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Er... I suppose talking to the vicar because me lounge is in a mess must sound a bit strange....

I could explain, but you lot seem to be having fun imagining..

Hi Robbi...

Fire! Of course, I can go play with fire. Good Idea (Good Idea is what my littlest one - who writes as Little Idea has named his boat that he built)

I do have problems with fires in the lounge.
I got hold of a wood burner. A metal one.
I made it a hearth, but the smoke comes out of the back of it and wont go up the chimney.
Makes watching TV difficult in the winter months.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.