I had no idea they were so big.

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Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
They are big ! Fabulous creatures. I've only seen smaller one in sweden. But was told about massive ones that had been hunted.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Thanks for that video and the links. I run out of spit, trying to explain how big the bulls can be.

Yup. Just as close as my back alley fence. That's a long-legged brown one, the biggest race.
The other local race are shorter-legged black ones. Nobody knows if they interbreed.
They get bigger as you go north. Might be better surface area/body volume ratio.
Max live span, 19, maybe 20 years.
I live in BC Game Management Zone #7.
For both sexes and all age classes, there are about 12,000 licences issued every year. Guns & bows.
About a 60% success rate. Very lean meat, far better than beef could be, cooks about like bison or elk.
Big cuts, roasts, are heavenly.
Bang one of those and you will eat like gods for a year.


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
Big. Think a normal car. Volvo, Merc, Vauxhall.
Think dark road, you are going home.
You hit a bull moose.

If you are lucky, you hit his rear end, and break his legs.
If not, he will kick you to death.
If you hit the front, he will possibly gore you to desth with his hirns.
How come you ask?

Because his lrgs are so high that his body will slam straight into the windscreen.

Of course, unless you have a Volvo it does not matter, because the body will break the A pillar and crush you.
Even today, Volvo cars are the only ones that can take on a bull moose without the A pillar crumbling.
We are taught to aim for the lighter back end when hitting a moose.

Big animals. Tasty too!
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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Modern little cars "submarine" under the moose body.
The moose come across the hood and straight through the windshield and inside the car.
Janne's right = very real threat of serious personal injuries.

Or, the cow gets hit so hard that she gets flipped up in the air and does a cartwheel in the air before landing back down on the highway.
That I have seen, was the Honda right in front of me, end of June, one summer.

Imagine hitting a Clydesdale in the dark at 60-70mph.
If the moose are on the highways in the winter, they can't get off because of the snow-plowed berms along the sides, maybe 6-8' high.
Plus, the mose and deer don't want to struggle in deep snow (wolf bait).

But just imagine the gravy and roast vegetables with bottles of very good wine and a moose roast on the table.


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