hunting in New Zealand NZ for foreigners - rules and experiences??



...this threat continues a discussion from "edible plants in New Zealand NZ (Bushfood, Bushtucker)"


suggestion: if you plan to travel around by car- get yourself an airgun(until last year available without any form of licence required)- there plenty of rabbits, hares and feral turkeys around
and yummy eels in the rivers!

I understand the intent in your suggestion.

However it's a bad idea for a couple of reasons.

1. Shooting an Air gun on Private land without the owners permission is a really bad idea and illegal.
2. Airguns are not allowed to be used on DOC ( Department of Conservation) land. You are only able to use a centre fire rifle on the DOC estate, No Air Rifles, Rim fire or Shotguns.

The Police treat air rifles as fire arms so traveling around with one in the car is inviting trouble.



John, seems you are in the topic of hunting too?!!

I hold a German hunting license and wonder if and HOW I can manage to hunt in NZ too. I don't want to bring a rifle...

I would like to purchase and register a gun in NZ. There are hundreds of websites advertising hunting in New Zealand, but I didn't see any dealing with topic of buying a gun there. Even the DOC didn't seem to make a big deal about it...

Do you have a decent hint where to look up legal rules on hunting in NZ for FOREIGNERS?

What about hunting insurence, are they required (or voluntary)?

John, you were wrinting: "traveling around with one in the car is inviting trouble" What are the rules for storing a rifle, then?

Many questions...

Thanks for helping!

Best regards



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 2, 2003
Hamilton NZ
Hello Nordboen,

Yes I do occasionally enjoy hunting. Hunting and shooting sports are big pastimes here in NZ.

The NZ gun ownership and licencing laws are quite simple.

1. The Person is licenced not the firearm.
2. Specific firearm registration is not currently compulsory.
3. Differing firearms are broken down into differing catergories.

Most Hunting weapons fall into the 'A' catergory this is all you really need to worry about.

All licencing in NZ is controled by the New Zealand Police.
This website will give you all the info you need.

The biggest issue you may have is if you are moving around NZ say by car will be security of the firearm. Having a Rifle Bolt and Ammunition locked in the boot is not secure if the car gets stolen or broken into...

Hunting is relatively straightforward.

1. Don't hunt on private land without permission from the landowner.
2. If hunting on DOC land ensure you have a permit.
3. Ensure you completly and without doubt clearly identify your target before taking the shot.

The latter point is particularly relavent as each year especially around the 'roar' hunters shoot each other in the particularly dense bush we have here. While Hi Viz is reccomended and it seemingly doesn't bother deer a lot of guys will still hunt in 'natural tones'. The Police will generally prosecute the shooter with the full weight of the law.

Trust this helps.

Feel free to PM me if you have further questions.




Oct 6, 2008
My brother emigrated early this year and has been going out huting with a work friend after deer and goats.

When i go over i intend to do some hunting on the public land. Do you need permits that are specis specific? From what i gather they just go up into the mountains and stayin the huts they have and go hunting all on public land? I'll borrow a rifle and go with my brother mate as it easier than gettign an approved case for my rifles and all the paperwork. Would love to know some more details.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 2, 2003
Hamilton NZ
My brother emigrated early this year and has been going out huting with a work friend after deer and goats.

When i go over i intend to do some hunting on the public land. Do you need permits that are specis specific? From what i gather they just go up into the mountains and stayin the huts they have and go hunting all on public land? I'll borrow a rifle and go with my brother mate as it easier than gettign an approved case for my rifles and all the paperwork. Would love to know some more details.


It's difficult to comment on what your brother and his mate are doing. Land ownership here in NZ is very differerent than the UK as are the trespass laws...

Basically there is Private land, DOC estate ( similar to National park, Forestry Commission, National trust land all rolled into one). Generally you are supposed to get a Permit from DOC if you are hunting or taking a firearm onto DOC estate...It's a free permit but covers a specific area. It helps DOC with their land usage surveys etc.

I would conceed that a lot of folk just rock up for a hunt without any permit.. Interstingly I had this conversation with a couple of lads on Pirongia yesterday afternoon.. They were after pigs and we were discussing permits and surprisingly they both agreed that the DOC permit thing was a good idea.. Better than getting in the 'S*%t Bro'.

If you are comming over and intend to use a firearm then you should get a Visitors Licence it's only $25.00

To Hunt on Private land you need te landowners permission.




Oct 6, 2008
cool, im sure he would have had a permit and it was above board (both are NZ army and law abiding folk). All sound great. Hunting and shooting on public land in the UK is very difficult and not cheap where the forestry commission do let you.

Thanks for your replies much appreciated :)


New Member
Jul 22, 2015
New Zealand
Unlimited hunting 12 months of the year public DOC land free of any charge North and south Islands. You will need to sit a test and be approve for a gun licence heavy caliber only allowed in state forest land dont want someone handling guns with no experience.
i live in the heart of the north Island near lake Taupo rated the top hunting area.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.