HTML Tech adive required. Please!


Ok, all you fine folks out there. Need a little help...

Only started learning how to use HTML yesterday morning (doing an online NVQ) and have started doing a proper webiste (not cheating and using MS-Pub or DW), and need a little advice.

For the opening page of my website I want to have two tables with the cells filled with graphics that will acts as 'doors' into two of the three streams for my site.

Any ideas of how to do this? Or should I just create two JPGs and embed them with relative addresses to the intros to the relevant streams?

All and any (useful) suggestions, greatly appreciated! (The site's only a year behind the planned lauch date...Ahem!)


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
Having a few images in a table would be the most simple method using standard links, or if you are feeling a little more dairing, you could use an image map perhaps.

Or standard links and jpg/gifs and a little dhtml/javascript to image swap to make things a little snazzier.


Full Member
Oct 5, 2003
Jersey, Channel Islands
like squidders said mate, just simple tables with seperate images and links..
otherwise you can try the imagemap method, but only really recommened if you have odd shapes that you want to overlap or something.... but i'd try pickup a little tool to help create an image map tho, right pain trying to figure out the co-ords manually.

perhaps pop up a visual somewhere we could look out, easier to know what you're on about then.


Oct 31, 2003
jakunen said:
(not cheating and using MS-Pub or DW)

Jak dreamweaver isn't cheating. :nono: MS-Pub is another matter but we won't get into that.

dreamweaver showcase

Just look at some of those sites, if thats cheating then I'm a cheat and proud. Just because you can press a button and it creates the code for a text box doesn't make it a bad thing it only saves you time. You still need to understand what it's doing and how it fits together.

I fully appreciate you can create rubbish with DW but you can create sites as good as any other method IMO.

Sorry for not even attempting to answer your question :wave:




Just pulling the communal leg. Using software is not cheating, its being sensible and a good method of keeping whatever hair you may have.

I'm doing na NVQ that incorpoates HTML and I want to try to build my site with it so that I can get EXACTLY the result I want and know what's wrong if I have a problem. (like remember to speak American when using HTML and not proper spelling :wink: ).

Aside from FrontPage (hack spit) I don't put any method of page building down. Use whatever you're happy/familiar with.

Cheers Joe. :wink:


Full Member
Oct 5, 2003
Jersey, Channel Islands
Agree with that, I've used Dreamweaver for everything i've done for about 6 years, it's great.
But you do need to know how things work, understand html so when it goes wrong.. and it usually does, you know what's gone on and how to fix it.

Had so many people work with me who can "use" dreamweaver, but when it does something wierd they haven't got a clue what's gone on... it's usually something simple like a table issue.

Fair play for doing it "old school" mate, you'll probably get more out of it.


...or as simple as not writing in American, forgetting the quote marks or adding one too many '<'.

Yes, they're all simple mistakes and I've been simple enough to make them all! :rolmao:

For the course you have to use raw code and show your source coding, and the follow on course require you to actually build a proper site using only raw code, no MS-Pub/DW/FP etc.

Otherwise I'd be lazy and spend the next month tryin gto work out how hte hell you use DW...:rolmao:


Giancarlo said:
Agree with that, I've used Dreamweaver for everything i've done for about 6 years, it's great.
But you do need to know how things work, understand html so when it goes wrong.. and it usually does, you know what's gone on and how to fix it.

Had so many people work with me who can "use" dreamweaver, but when it does something wierd they haven't got a clue what's gone on... it's usually something simple like a table issue.

Fair play for doing it "old school" mate, you'll probably get more out of it.
second that...its all well and good to know how youre wysiwig is working, but if it isnt doing what you want it to do you HAVE to understand the raw code.

good luck jak


Just want to publically say...

Chris (a.k.a. Artcic Hobo). YOU IS DA MAN!!!!.

Thanx to this sterling chap my website should soon be attracting flocks of customers.

And thanx to everyone one else for offers of help, especially Giancarlo for his advice and Jamie for, well, he knows what :wink: .

:ekt: :notworthy :super::You_Rock_:ekt::notworthy:super::You_Rock_:ekt::notworthy:super::You_Rock_


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