Howkin' Rhodies.


Aug 9, 2005
I've taken to pulling up rhododendron pretty much any time I come across them. It seems sometimes like a drop in the ocean as there's usualy well established ones nearby but if they're under a foot and half or so they pop out cleanly. The roots seem quite tough and stubby and don't leave anything behind if the soil's loose enough.

Between there and three foot they can still be persuaded out but sometimes a bit of root will break off. Does that mean it's won and will be back?

...and what happens if you just chop 'em and don't poison the stump? I've heard you have to return time-and-time again cutting the shoots but how long is "time-and-time again"?

Basicaly, anyone got any rhodie killing tips for an enthusiastic amateur?



Dec 15, 2005
I went to an old fishing spot of mine a few weeks ago, I haven't been back there for about 15 years so didn't know what to expect. It's an old mill pond situated in the middle of a beautiful wooded valley and I probably spent most of my childhood kicking around in there.
What I found was a complete mess with no route down to the water anywhere and big horrible rhodies as far as the eye could see. I sat around for a bit to see if there was any fish still in there but didn't see a single thing. The was a pair of Canadian geese sat at one end but that was about it.
When I spoke to one of my mates who still lives over that way he said somebody about it about 10 years ago and just left it to become overgrown, didn't bother looking after and restocking the fish and generally left it mother nature to take over.

Shame but if anyone knows what to do with about 12 acres of rhodies you're welcome to help yourself.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Known as "rhodie bashing" round here. Great fun.We don't do chemicals so any sharps you want to play with, we just go down and use anything from brush cutters to parangs.

Great way to perfect the "drawcut" is a few acres of Rhodies. Lovely to have the opportunity to practice all sorts of "hack and slash" techniques where, worst case, you have cut back an invader and best case , you've killed it!

Every cloud..........


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