Homemade Tent Stove

Here's a video of my l8est homemade stove - I'm in the market for a canvas tent - think I'll look getting a cotton outer for my force ten MK4 CN.
Click on image to view video....You need to open this in MSN as I think DivX bugs out in Google chrome....
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Dec 15, 2005
Cheer's big man, Hope all's well...It should open for you, it's on photobucket & has opened OK for ma' Da & ma' Bro earlier...

All's good thanks mate, I'm getting a DivX error for some reason. I'll do an update tomorrow, far too tired now :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
I like your idea for an ash tray, might as well use something that's already to hand for lots of people.

At first I thought it was an ammo box stove as I've seen some ammo boxes of roughly that size and shape but it looks like you made it from Stainless?
Yeh, any box with a lid would do the same job, the stainless box was just a lucky find - This is a simple design - anyone could copy this & with a decent ammo box, you would'nt have to do any welding or bracing - just cutting.

I'd like to see how small & portable I could go with this idea so I might have a go at making a smaller one now out of ammo boxes.
I'm really suprised at how well it works - when stoked up, flames go right up the chimney & it roars like a furnace, you can hear is sucking in the air at the bottom, if you feed it slowly, it just settles down & glows cherry red - the chimney pipe I'm using to test it is way to big in diameter, so I'm on the lookout for a bit of 4 1/2 inch pipe - I'm tryin' to think of a way to make a multi piece or even a telescopic one.
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Dec 15, 2005
I'm really suprised at how well it works - when stoked up, flames go right up the chimney & it roars like a furnace, you can hear is sucking in the air at the bottom, if you feed it slowly, it just settles down & glows cherry red - the chimney pipe I'm using to test it is way to big in diameter, so I'm on the lookout for a bit of 4 1/2 inch pipe - I'm tryin' to think of a way to make a multi piece or even a telescopic one.

Have you put a baffle plate in Dave?

You want to avoid the flames going straight up the chimney as you're wasting most of the heat, with a baffle plate the flames and heat are forced around the stove before escaping up the flue.


I used a small roasting dish from Wilkos for mine, just supported on a couple of rivets either side of the stove.

Have a read through this thread when you get a minute and you'll find some discussion about baffles
I had'nt thought about that when I made it, but you are spot on - you can see in the video, the flames are roaring right up the lum - It was the first thing my bro said when he saw it working - he wants to fit an adjustable baffle which will slide in & sit exacty as on your diagram - but - can be pulled forward to regulate whats going up the lum - I think that might allow me regulate the draught to some extent as well - the roaring draught when the flame is going up the lum definetly makes it light quickly. I'd imagine an adjustable baffle could be used to slow this down?
I'm gonna read the post you've recommended - I'll keep the roasting dish idea in mind also - when I do this - which should be in the next few days, I'll do another post.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
Nice. What was the stainless box before hand?

Been on the lookout for surplus 20L field kitchen pots.

Nice. What was the stainless box before hand?

Been on the lookout for surplus 20L field kitchen pots.

I dunno what the box was before, it was just a plain deep box with a lid that fits over it - if you click on the image, it should play as a video...
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I really enjoyed reading "shewie's" thread about the PC Stove, found it very informative & as a result, got a few new ideas for mine as well - I'm gonna look at hinging front door, I'll add a door to the bottom compartment with an adjustable air intake, I'll put a slidable roof damper to bring the heat to the front of the box rather than going right up the flue all the time but still allow my self that choice for fast lighting & I'm going to get a proper flue setup along the lines you have done - even if I need to look at buying the parts - I particularly like the flue socket you've fixed on top of the box & the fact you can re-posion the elbow for different situations - that's definetly the way to go.

I'm going down the route of running this mainly on coal with wood thrown in when available so my main concern now is gaining a little more control over the ferocity of the coal reaction once it kicks off.
I don't want the sides glowing red/orange all the time - But I now reckon that a 3 damper setup will go a long way towards this good to see how detailed your post is.
If any one is interested in my setup I can do more a more detailed thread or parts list. I'd be happy to see anyone taking this idea a step further.


Dec 15, 2005
Glad it was some use to you Davy, I've learned loads as I went along with this project, mostly from asking question on forums and digging around the internet

There's a bug with Google Chrome and DivX if anyone is struggling to view the vid with Chrome, works fine with IE

Whittler Kev

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 8, 2009
March, UK
goodjob Brill bit of kit. I could here the roaring OK.

Just a few questions:

1. Does it use loads of wood as it roars so much?
2. If you fit a damper in the pipe, will you need to have a solid door on it so it is controllable?
3. Could the pipe be made smaller so it fits in the V of the ash pan?

Just a few thoughts but a real goodjob there
goodjob Brill bit of kit. I could here the roaring OK.

Just a few questions:

1. Does it use loads of wood as it roars so much?
2. If you fit a damper in the pipe, will you need to have a solid door on it so it is controllable?
3. Could the pipe be made smaller so it fits in the V of the ash pan?

Just a few thoughts but a real goodjob there


I've done a bit more work on it since then - Added a moveable flat plate bafflewhich can be pulled right forward to allow direct exhaust up the flue (as in the original vid) - but can now be right pushed back to cover flue & force all the heat forward & round before going up the flue. also added a solid door to the bottom inlet tray & a closure flap over the grille on the main door - don't want a full solid main door if I can get away wtih it as I like the option of seeing the glow of the coals & logs once I have it lit & running smoothly. I've also brought the flue size down to 5 inch - a lot of the original roar was due to the massive hollow flue...
I've decided not to fit a damper in the flue pipe until I find out more about the subject as I think this would require a solid main door.

I've found if I close the top flap - making the the main door solid, open the the bottom intake door, & open the baffle, I force it to draw all its air in thru the bottom inlet below the coals - this makes for rapid (smokey) lighting - the smoke dies down & the coals eventually glow white hot & flames shoot out the top of the flue 8 feet up!! -If you just throw in loads of wood when it's still set for lighting, It demolishes it fairly quickly whilst roaring like hell.
Once the coal reacton has kicked off, I can arrest it & bring it under control - slow it down, by closing the baffle, closing the bottom inlet & opening the closure flap on the main door grill - this reduces the glow on the side pannels down to a blue - cherry red - Better - it's then just a case of chucking in the odd split log or trowel full of coal.
If I want to speed things up agian, I open the bottom inlet - seems to act like the old coal housefire - which is what I was visualising when I made it.
You can choke the air & make it emmit black smoke, You can give it mega air & make it belch white smoke or you can regulate it & make the exhaust almost totally clear.
I've found it not to be too greedy on either coal or wood when controlled in this way. I'ts still a bit rough around the edges, especially the new mods - which I've just cut roughly to experiment - I intend to do another vid showing the new mods & all the cause / effects & smoke/control options in practice.

Unless I can come up with a collapsable flue, the pipe/flue is always goin to be a the bulkiest part of the setup, my new flue comes in two four foot sections!
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