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I'm in the market for a tarp and have been considering the DD 3x3 and "superlight" version of similar size.
These are obviously much cheaper than yours but I feel yours must be better I just don't really know in what way.
Size and weight seem similar, can you offer some advice?
Would like to know a bit more about the tarp if possible? Just wondering how much it's been used? Much sun exposure? Any damage to speak of? I know it's hard but how would you rate it out of 10 in terms of condition?
Sorry for all the questions. And thanks in advance
Good luck, I use an XP10 and can totally recommend the Hillebergtarps. The cut they have make them very easy to set up taught. Great pricing too this one.
Hey Ruud,
I’m looking to modify the Hilleberg Tarp XP10 with a some more attachment points midway between the centre-point and the long(3.5m) and/or short(2.9m) edges, and possibly some underside mosquito net/guy-line stowage loops.
All in an effort to provide some added flexibility and functionality, particularly in tarp-tent ground based set-ups. Something akin to DD Hammock’s 3x3 Pro tarp.
Be grateful for your advice, experiences and especially your thoughts about such modifications to the XP10?
All the best mate.
Hi Bobby
I have not seen the need to modify the XP10 thus far, but if you want to create some extra attachment points on your tarp, without destroying it, you might want to check out these clips: .
I think you might use these clips also as points to hang your mosquito-net.
I use a triangular mosquito net which I hang on a ridgeline (a separate length of cordage).
Hope this helps, greetings