Hi I am new here from Canada


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Hello and welcome to BcUK :)

We're kind of having trouble finding any limit to the range of interests we call bushcraft, tbh :eek:
There's usually someone (s) who knows something about almost anything that crops up in discussion :D
I find the site pretty useful :cool:

Well I just did not like the US stile of survival interest. Buying a huge survival knife is quite useless in the outdoors in most cases. I have lived with out running water and electricity when I was young and having weapons and knives were just a fools errand. I have hunted and fished most of western Canada and it has been a great sport. I was looking to market a few new products when I found survival stuff on Amazon.com It seems like quite a group of radical people. While I do understand there concerns it is not with in my interests to take advantage of peoples fears to make a dollar. Then again if it is a lot of dollars I may not be as scrupulous. I am just mostly curious what kind of bush craft you would study here. It seems to me it would be just keeping warm while outdoors camping and enjoying the time would work in most cases. Maybe lot of spirits to ward off the cold?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
"I am just mostly curious what kind of bush craft you would study here. It seems to me it would be just keeping warm while outdoors camping and enjoying the time would work in most cases. Maybe lot of spirits to ward off the cold? "

This site is a social entity :) Study, in any formalised fashion, is not it's primary focus; conversation, the passing on of information, the arrangement of meet ups, the recommendations of kit, the show and tell of all kinds of good stuff, the wide ranging network of people from one end of the country to the other, the imput into the threads from so many different people with widely differing experiences, is all rich :)

I don't think I've asked a question yet that someone didn't know the answer to, or at least give me a promising line of inquiry.

Tony says, "Bushcraft is about being confident and comfortable in the natural environment. ",

Whether you get there on foot, by car, canoe, bus, train..... doesn't matter, and whatever focus your time there takes is up to yourself :D
The UK has a lot of space, but there are a lot of people on our fertile green islands, so unlike the huge expanses of Canada, or the Taiga, or the deserts, or oceans, we have to take account of other folks in our 'out' time, so that comes under discussion too.
Often folks post a pictorial thread of a good outing :approve: they are sort of encouraging for folks on the 9-5 with busy lives and the days starting to lengthen again :)

Lot of schools, from bushcraft to wild foods, from mountaineering to canoeing, lot of fishermen, lot of hunters, lots of foragers too :)
Many folk get involved with youth groups or with traditional crafts, some too with the nature conservancy associations, so everything from hedgelaying to bats come up among the topics.
There are also a number of really skilled craftspeople on the forum :notworthy: and their threads are a huge tempation for most of us.

It's all good, it's all interesting :D and those members who don't live here but contribute to the threads add some fascinating information too.....BOD in jungles for instance, Sandbender in Eastern Europe, much of the Scandinavian postings find a very ready audience here as well :cool:

I know I'm biased in it's favour, but it really is the 'virtual campfire', even if the drink at hand of most is a mug of tea or coffee :D

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.