Here we go bushcrafting on a cold and frosty morning

Last Saturday myself and Pete (i_camp_@_butlins) had originally planned to do a cheeky overnighter up the permission and break Pete's tarp and bivi cherry.
However due to my Bells Palsy not clearing up completely and the forecast giving minus 2 we opted instead for a walk to the woods and an afternoon in the wood instead.
Not quite as good but a darn sight better than my ugly mug drooping again!
i chose to test my light lighter lightest set up but didn't get any photos
Heading off from tesco's at 11: hrs. we wandered through Pegnut wood

we collected some birch bark whilst walking through pegnut and progressed through Sutton
we saw some interesting Fungi whilst wandering not sure what either of them are though.


We then came across an O.S triangulation marker

We got to the woods about 12:45hrs.

Immediately we got a brew on it was still nippy and both Pete and myself are tea based life forms

suitably refreshed we had a mooch about the woods looking for a potential new camp spot as i have been using the same site within the woods for three or four years now and it is time to let it have a chance to rest and regenerate.
we found a new spot, Pete had said he wanted to light the fire with his Christmas present from me-a spark stick. At this point a mate of ours turned up to pay a brief visit, didn't get any pics of him, we also had a visit from a local pigeon shooter. So Pete chatted with Neil while i chatted with the shooter. Once the shooter had gone Pete continued with the fire collecting plenty of sticks whilst i followed Nessmuk's lead of the old woodsman and held down a log whilst smoking my pipe.
with a mix of birch bark and waxed tinder card Pete got the tinder to take a spark with his second strike of the spark stick
The proud fire lighter

Pete had also mentioned that he wanted to learn how to make Bannock for when he goes fishing etc so i showed him and Neil how i go about making it
The Outdoor kitchen

Me with the half cooked bannock

The finished product both Neil and Pete were impressed with it.

Neil had to head home at this point where as Pete and Myself had a couple more hours to spare so we sat around the fire and discussed plans we have to make a more permanent shelter up the woods, mainly as an exercise to see if we can do it and how we would go about doing it.

We were picked up at 18:00hrs. by my old man and got back in time for a shower each and for me to give Jake his Dinner

Smugly apart from a couple of items everything i took was used and i think with the addition of a wool poncho a blanket and the czech bedroll my light set up is pretty much sorted.
hope you have all enjoyed our day out as much as we enjoyed getting some time out in the woods.
hopefully next time we will have an overnighter to share


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Best way ever to recharge the batteries :D

As an aside, mine were incredibly calm in the woods, as babies the leaves above them with sun filtering through seemed to fascinate them :) from then on they were just the best playground ever :)

Thanks for sharing :)
Best way ever to recharge the batteries :D

As an aside, mine were incredibly calm in the woods, as babies the leaves above them with sun filtering through seemed to fascinate them :) from then on they were just the best playground ever :)

Thanks for sharing :)
unfortunately a wee bit too chilly to take jake this time
but he loves the tarp fluttering keeps him occupied for hours like this


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.