Hell Bent For Leather


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Jun 9, 2008
Went into a local key cutters/shoe repairers today to get a key cut.
Whilst in there I noticed they obviosuly did shoe repairs on premises. Loads of odd bits of leather lying around. So I asked if they would sell a bit of 3mm leather. And they said yes! The price they quoted was a bit above prices that can be found online, but not too extreme. Coupled with the fact I'd save on postage and also local convenience I decided that little bit extra was worth it.
Anyway. My point of telling you all this is that it never occured to me to try a local shoe repairer for bits of leather. And now it looks like I've got a good supply, both untanned and in any colour I want (or any colour they have), admittedly at a slightly higher price than elsewhere, but extremely convenient (about 200 yards down the road) who will also cut the leather for me if I give them a tenplate and only charge for the bit I need!
So, if anyone else out there needs only the occasional bit of leather then have a look around for a local shoe repairer.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.