Hedgehog Rescue

Dynamite Dan

Need to contact Admin...
Jun 19, 2007
BlackBurn, Lancashire
This isn't related to Bushcraft at all but thought you may like to know.

I found a Hedgehog in my dads garage when i went visiting him, it was stuck inside a plastic bag. It looked like it was trapped there and couldn't get out :(

So i put it under a bush in his back garden, and the most peculiar thing happened...

it started walking, but wobbling from side to side, quite fast, Like a rocking motion.

I originally thought it had broken a leg or something, struggling to get out of the bag, but it made me hard to have a look as when i picked it up, no matter how gently, it always curled itself up into a ball. I rang the RSPCA and asked there advice, they said if its curling up into a ball then it probably doesn't have a broken leg.

I quickly googled what hedgehogs eat and found that they like cat food (non fish) so i gave it some food and some water. It really went to town on the food, which made me think the wobbling was due ti starvation an weakness ( no idea how long it had been in the garage)

so, The RSPCA came the next day and took it away. I do hope its OK :(


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 21, 2007
Good on you I found a fox at work the other week looked like it had dislocated its back leg, rang the rspca and they were really great, they picked it up and hopefully it got better.

fred gordon

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 8, 2006
Nice one. Well done. I'm not so sure about it being non-bushcrafty though. Tinkers used to catch them and wrap them in a thick layer of clay, put them on the fire to bake. When ready they broke open the clay which kept the spines out of the way. Needless to say it seems to taste like chicken.:lmao:

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Nice one. Well done. I'm not so sure about it being non-bushcrafty though. Tinkers used to catch them and wrap them in a thick layer of clay, put them on the fire to bake. When ready they broke open the clay which kept the spines out of the way. Needless to say it seems to taste like chicken.:lmao:

Who are you calling a Tinker?

Actually and unsurprisingly it tastes like pork (but a little gamier - pork texture but perhaps pheasant taste)



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