Galloway Forest Hang: Failed!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Myself and some friends had been planning a few nights hammocking in the Galloway forest last weekend however the weather had other plans. In hindsight we vastly underestimated the severity of the snow forecast. Its hard to let all your planning and investment go sometimes, but lesson learnt!

Spent the first night snowed in on a lay-by on the A75 :(. As the roads were largely impassable up to our intended campsite at Loch Trool we opted to spend the second night somewhere closer and hope for the roads to be cleared overnight.

Our camp near Claterringshaws Loch


Fire was very important! My thermometer read -2.


Nice view in the morning from my hammock.


Packed up and headed on to our original destination, despite the roads having been mostly cleared the smaller roads to our campsite were still impassable.

With dark looming we took the hard decision to cut our losses and head home. Pretty disappointed but at least I can recognise that the wrong decision was going in the first place not deciding to head back :(.

Still its got to warm up soon right...?



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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I hope it warms up a little as I am heading out that way my self this weekend.:rolleyes: Going to take the glamping stuff wood burner etc to make it more comfortable.
Sometimes you just have to take the chance especially with the weather at the minute but also have the sense to know when to turn back which you did.

Looks like you had a good night or two anyway.


Nov 14, 2010
Maybole, Scotland
It's like a different world in the Galloway Forest sometimes, I live about 15 miles north of Loch Doon and it can be like the Arctic up there with snow etc and very mild where I live.

We nearly got snowed in a couple of weekends ago at the bothy just by Clatteringshaws and by the time we got to the main roads it was barel noticable.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Glad you're all back safe and sound and sorry you had a (nearly)wasted journey, at least you got some nice pics and some valuable insight out of it regardless.

Cheers mate :)

Aye better that your back safe and sound rather than stuck out there freezing in a hammock twas a smart decision. At least you got one night out of it

I wasn't that cold believe it or not, the plan was to camp within a couple of km's of the car so I'd taken lots of insulation. Still it wasn't what I'd call ideal :D

I hope it warms up a little as I am heading out that way my self this weekend.:rolleyes: Going to take the glamping stuff wood burner etc to make it more comfortable.
Sometimes you just have to take the chance especially with the weather at the minute but also have the sense to know when to turn back which you did.

Looks like you had a good night or two anyway.

Yeah we thought it would be alot less intense than it was, as you say got to take a chance sometimes. Best of luck on your trip!

It's like a different world in the Galloway Forest sometimes, I live about 15 miles north of Loch Doon and it can be like the Arctic up there with snow etc and very mild where I live.

We nearly got snowed in a couple of weekends ago at the bothy just by Clatteringshaws and by the time we got to the main roads it was barel noticable.

Im definitely going to return at some point, its beautiful up there. Just got to find a window between the midges and the snow next time :)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Best way to deal with it, really.
The weather up there can dump a load of snow in a hurry and then you'd really have been stuck.
This way you found another potential site too.

I thought after the warm dry start to the Spring that all those we wriggling things in my ponds would have hatched, but this chill has really knocked them back. You might well get lucky and avoid the midges yet :)



Nov 23, 2004
I hope it warms up a little as I am heading out that way my self this weekend.:rolleyes: Going to take the glamping stuff wood burner etc to make it more comfortable.
Sometimes you just have to take the chance especially with the weather at the minute but also have the sense to know when to turn back which you did.

Looks like you had a good night or two anyway.

Im up that way so let me know if you are coming up you can pop by and pick up a stave! Let us know were your going and I will swing by. Bit of a flemish tutorial if you like. Pm me and I will give you my adress incase the weather turns really nasty.



Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
Thanks for sharing your photos

I love hanging in the snow, over here it is my preferred method of sleeping out in the snow filled mountains as you are off the ground .

The last time I ground slept it was similar temp to what you where sleeping out in ( around zero to about -4 in the middle of the night ) and I found the snow gave underneath me and changed shape over night so a hammock would have been better. Geround sleeping in deep snow is better when it is colder (-6 or below) as then the snow under you will not start to melt and cause you discomfort in the night .
Here is a thread with some photos I done from the last time I ground slept in the snow was a pants night sleep compared to hammocking in the same conditions which is what I do now when ever I head out in the snow
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Jan 19, 2010
good choice.i learned a simular leesen from my diving days.its takes a bigger brave man to abort a dive or in your case staying out.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Best way to deal with it, really.
The weather up there can dump a load of snow in a hurry and then you'd really have been stuck.
This way you found another potential site too.

I thought after the warm dry start to the Spring that all those we wriggling things in my ponds would have hatched, but this chill has really knocked them back. You might well get lucky and avoid the midges yet :)


A midgeless Scotland sounds great, still I think I'll wait untill summer before I head that way again :D

Wow Kit, what an experience. I guess you and snow just don't mix hahaha pmsl. Seriously though, it looks beautiful and your home in one piece....happy days :)

Haha, tell me about it. At least it stayed snow this time, no slush bath for me!

Thanks for sharing your photos

I love hanging in the snow, over here it is my preferred method of sleeping out in the snow filled mountains as you are off the ground .

The last time I ground slept it was similar temp to what you where sleeping out in ( around zero to about -4 in the middle of the night ) and I found the snow gave underneath me and changed shape over night so a hammock would have been better. Geround sleeping in deep snow is better when it is colder (-6 or below) as then the snow under you will not start to melt and cause you discomfort in the night .
Here is a thread with some photos I done from the last time I ground slept in the snow was a pants night sleep compared to hammocking in the same conditions which is what I do now when ever I head out in the snow

I was pretty pleased with my hammock, first time I'd hung in the snow and I stayed warm.

I would'nt call it a fail; just character building.

That's what I keep telling myself :rolleyes: :D

Next time your up this way D&G give me a shout!

Cheers mate, some local knowledge would have helped alot :)

good choice.i learned a simular leesen from my diving days.its takes a bigger brave man to abort a dive or in your case staying out.

Yeah I guess sometimes you've just got to cut your losses.


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