Fringe of Rannoch Moor bothy trip (v pic heavy)

Sometimes a guy just needs some space so where better to head for with his "dug" than a bothy on the fringes of Rannoch Moor. Right on the edge of where part of the great place drains lies a bothy and by all accounts not that strenuous to reach.
So Brochlach and I headed out in some right squally weather. Little did I know that the trip involved wading a couple of burns right at the start! :rolleyes:

Some of the walk was quite boring, well the start anyway as it followed part of the WHL.

And on my left the southern fringe of Rannoch Moor with the weather threatening something bad!

This bridge won't be here for much longer! I crossed it but put my foot through a few of the sleepers into clean air!:eek: A wee bit scary to say the least!

The wood signalled the start of the wilder route. There were a few trains using the line. Strangley the remoteness reminded me of the outback with the railway going across it!
Ther's a lot of history to this wood. A long time ago a dedicated forestry employee surveyed all the islands and cliff faces around Rannoch for "original" wood and he ended up planting a "wildwood" further in from the edge here to re-establish the existing remnants of the old wood of Caledon. Further in this is more noticable. (bar the pylons and the rail line)


The wood is a very special place full of red deer and interestingly I saw a barn owl. Unfortunatley no pics, even the deer were wary as it is stalking season.

Once passed the wood and looking back I felt a real sense that I was really in wild and unforgiving country.

Following the river further upstream the beauty was in the sense of space under a big sky which was almost overpowering

and there was beauty in the little things too...

You can't see it in these photographs but the wind was so strong it nearly blew me over on occassion and the rain came in sheets.
And on my left another awesome view...

By this time the walk in was really dragging, I was looking forward to reaching the bothy and a wee while later I found it hidden behind some morraines...:D

And a finer sight there never was!

Inside was basic but dry and not drafty at all. It's probably the tidiest least vandalised bothy I've used.

By the time I got inside my back was killing me, Brochlach was hungry, I was soaked to the knees from wading a couple of streams and i was in dire need of nice coffee so the fire was lit (there's no harvestable wood nearby so all wood has to be brought in, I used firelogs) and KK was soon bubbling away as the socks were drying.

Awesome...what a great feeling indeed. Warm, cosy, fed and watered and alone for a wee while. Just me and my dug!
Another fire shot...:lmao: Feeling at home yet?

How about settling in for a nice read?

Wiith only the sound of the howling wind and rain and my snoring dog as I drifted off to sleep. I slept soundly.

In the morning I awoke to the quiet rumbling of a train and looked out, the weather was mixed;still a bit wild at times. Strangley I heard voices but no one was to be seen, maybe it was the wind playing tricks.
The view from the bothy door...

And a few minutes later it cleared to reveal...wild country. Looking towards Rannoch Moor.


All in all a great walk and it was nice to get away for a night for some quiet time. Hope you enjoy Brochlach did!




Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Brilliant :D
It can be both wild and very, very beautiful. If you're of the right mind, and have enough time, it's a great place to mend.


Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Looks good WS,

I bothied last week in the Galloway Forest.

We met three Geordie lads there and a very merry night was had by all.
Forgot the camera though as it was a last minute thing:rolleyes:


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Top notch. The photos give a real sense of time and place.

Reflections from the North Country is the book I take with me on my trips. My copy is battered and covered in dead midgies, but it is great reading for the outdoors. The other good choice is Thoreau. Sig Olson read Thoreau on his trips.
I was supposed to be there last week!!

From bitter experience, the first major water course you crossed can be exceptionally dangerous in spate. One winter on a MRT call out one of our boys lost his footing and travelled downstream for about thirty meters. Scary stuff and a luck escape.
I was supposed to be there last week!!

From bitter experience, the first major water course you crossed can be exceptionally dangerous in spate. One winter on a MRT call out one of our boys lost his footing and travelled downstream for about thirty meters. Scary stuff and a luck escape.

Aye I can imagine, there's a longer route in on the other side of that watercourse but it involves a couple of extra clicks from the car park. With my back I need all the shortcuts I can muster! pmsl Thanks for the positive comments folks.

If people would like more info on bothies, the gentlepersons way is to join the MBA who will give you all the info you need in return for your support.

And it's good practice/generally accepted by most folk not to publically give details on their locations etc as many many bothies are being trashed by those who we don;t want visiting. So I really would call on folk not to name a bothy on any of my posts, if you really want to know, pm me. Ignorance can wreck a bothy in one night just because some xxxx thinks they are being smart.


Dec 15, 2005
And it's good practice/generally accepted by most folk not to publically give details on their locations etc as many many bothies are being trashed by those who we don;t want visiting. So I really would call on folk not to name a bothy on any of my posts, if you really want to know, pm me. Ignorance can wreck a bothy in one night just because some xxxx thinks they are being smart.

Not quite the same but Andybysea had similar problems with his nice little beach camp spot. It only takes a couple of plebs to completely wreck a place in one single night.


Jun 5, 2007
Not been there myself, but Bivibabe has twice or three times, she's not certain. She not only heard voices but saw a wee man outside smokin. By all accounts a lovely place, if you don't mind the odd ghost sharing the place.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Stunning pics W/S not been over Rannoch moor way for a fair few years, cant wait to get out again myself for a few days, kinda stuck till late November, as Shewie says ive learnt my lesson of putting up location details, on a similar note i went sea fishing on Friday (same location stuartf did in summer) and the amount of disgarded snack food wrappers old bits of fishing line with hooks attached, plastic bags etc left behind one the edge of the rocks was awful, then on walk back home people where setting up tents on the beach and kids where busy snapping branch's of the bushes at the back of the beach i assume to burn, luckily we passed wardens going over that way on the way back , someone in the houses over looking the beach must have called them.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.