Friendly Little Bird


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
Just met a friendly little Bird, He flew into our window then he recovered flew to the balcony and then on to my hand. He did not seem to want to leave my hand




Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Lucky so and so. Would love that to happen to me. Mind you, I rescued a blue tit that was trapped in our work building last week. Got it in a towel, and took it outside. Flew off none the worse for the experience.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Lucky so and so. Would love that to happen to me...

Hmmm, I'm not sure that the Nuthatch would agree with you about that! It barely escaped with its life.

Plain glass windows take a terrible toll on bird life. Most of the time when they fly into what is effectively a brick wall at fifteen or twenty knots they either crush their skull or break their neck. If you can put up something to make it obvious to birds that there isn't a way through then you'll be doing them a big favour. Net curtains work, but something with large mesh works too. Anything which alerts the birds to the fact that there's something there will do. Some people stick outline drawings of birds of prey on the windows here and there, I've done that on some of the windows in our showroom at work but I've never been completely convinced that it works as well as something like a net curtain.


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Fair comment, and I had missed the bit about if flying into a window. Wouldn't wish that on any bird (there's at least 2 'pigeon prints' on the windows at work). Would just like a close encounter with a small bird like that.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Cute wee bird, and a nice result :D

Harvestman, if you find there's a robin nearby your garden, and make a habit of leaving a trowel in the garden and using it at the same time every day, it'll visit. Drop some food for it where you've disturbed the ground (wireworms or the insect/fat pellets) and the robin will be sitting on your trowel waiting for you in a day or so :D
Astonishing how close you can get to them and how quickly they become familiar and comfortable around you.


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Oh robins are wee thugs - scared of no-one. I wish my pet one would learn to be scared of the rotovator though - its antics around fast spinning blades terrify me!

Lovely birdy the treecreeper. Reminds me of a nuthatch that made me dive off a mezzanine floor (rather an embarassing story that):eek:

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I had my reloading bench in a sort of mezzanine floor loft conversion - like a minstrels gallery in a bedroom. It was in an old flint cottage with a gappy roof. I was sat at the bench and focussed on the cartridges - very absorbed. Suddenly something appeared - huge in my vision coming at my face. It was enormous. Think Smaug on steroids. I reared backwards flailing like a threshing machine on bad acid. My chair tipped backwards. The backward leaning chair formed a rather effective slide, directing my now supine form to the edge of the mezzanine. At this time I wished I had got around to installing any form of saftey rail around the edge. I suppose it was a little late to start. Exiting the mezannine floor (inverted) I executed a pike and double twist and landed as light as a feather. Sadly there was no-one there to witness it. My wifes enquiry as to who was bombing the house from 30,000 feet with fully grown elephants was both inaccurate and slanderous. As I searched for a sword of the Numenoreans (a blue glow would have helped) or at least a rearing whits charger, my darling wife captured a tea towel. The sneaky dragon then morphed into a rather tiny tree creeper. What a low trick.



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