Free camera gear!!

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Well what a swope!!
I have realised for while that I would like to take better wildlife/deer etc pics and have decided to go to a dslr camera. Mentioned it to my cousin some time ago and he said I have got some old 35mmslr stuff you can have will the lenses be ok on a digital?
This is what I got!!!!

100-300mm lens 35-300mm lens 135mm some filter case flash and pistol grip for use with 300mm!
Free!!!! Well been a long time since I had a slr and never owned a dslr so hoped the lenses would fit on the Canon Eos 400d which is the camera I thinkI have settled on???
If not I love film as well just like to be able to post pics on the net.
Now lets try to photo that pesky deer again!!!!!

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Many thanks!
I realised quite quickly that 3x zoom on my canon ixus just wasn't gonna be any good when it came to taking shots of timid creatures!!!
I love the ixus for carrying every day but I really want to start going out to take pic's as well as enjoying a bit of nature.
Mind you it has been a long time since I did an 'o' level in photography!!

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
If the 35mm was an EOS with AF (auotfocus) they should be compatible Dave - otherwise probably not (at least not using all the features of the 400d)



May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Hate to be a party pooper but i don't think those lenses will work on a D400.

The EOS system was one that Canon started from scratch, it was a brave move at the time with people switching to it having to ditch all their old gear. If it does fit you will have only limited functionality at best and of course manual focus.

On the plus side the 400D does not have a "full frame" sensor. This means that all lenses attached will get a boost of 1.6 magnification. Annoying at the wide angle end but a huge boost at the telephoto end. Your 300mm lens would actually be closer to 450mm!!:eek:

Either way that is a great camera and good shots with it will only be limited by your imagination.

Look forward to seeing the results!

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Ta for all that I thought that they would work but as mentioned not as they should...... this is what a geezer I know said who is pretty hot on the photo front.
Anyway no probs really I just like the idea of taking stacks of shots and 35mm means I am always thinking about how much film I have left and the costs to develop!
Digi for me is the convenience nice to see the shots on the laptop straight away.
Any hoo its all good as either way I shall be getting dome better shots all being well!
Ta ra Dave
Ps Cant stop now as I'm off to Canada!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D


Jan 26, 2007
One option is when you get your piccys developed you can ask for the photos on a disc and then you can view them on your pc just like digi.

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Well not found the cannon in Canada or wasn't that much diff in price so I am gonna get one in the UK. Looking on ebay I find listings for the Rebel xti cannon? Is this the full name of the eos 400d?
I dont seem to see what the difference is?
Also best price for cameras in the Uk?
As mentioned want the Eos 400d. Jessops £429 + canon £50 off can anyone do any better?!?
Sorry for digging this post up again Dave
Yes the Rebel XTi and the 400D are the same. They are just branded differently for different markets. I would caution you about buying on Ebay because manufacturer warranties are limited to the country where the camera was originally supplied (unless the vendor specifically states that it is an international warranty). You may buy a camera that was originally supplied in Hong Kong and find out your warranty does not apply here. For lenses it is different, the warranty is automatically international.

With regard to the lens you have been given, the EOS cameras use EF and EF-S mounts. The older FD mount is a breach lock mount and has no electrical connections and will not actually physically attach to an EOS body and even if it did you won't have ANY of the automatic control of the aperture or auto-focus. If you don't understand why this is important then I suggest you hold off from buying a new camera until you do.

Buying an SLR camera is really a case of buying into a lens system rather than a body. Conventional wisdom says, choose the lens system, then buy the body.

PM me if you want to have some more advice, I'll be happy to help. Check out my website for my "credentials".

EDIT to include: you can also get a much better price than that! Check out Warehouse Express for starters.
Just to confirm

The lenses you have are NOT compatible with the EOS series cameras (i.e. all modern Canon SLRs)


Unfortunately the lens mounts used by the two systems are completely incompatible. FD lens mounts are smaller in diameter, have a different lens register from EF lenses, rely on mechanical levers to control lens aperture, are of a breech-lock design (rotating pressure ring) and never contain autofocus motors.* EF lens mounts are larger in diameter, are of a bayonet mount design (put lens into camera and rotate partway to lock), support electronic control of the lens aperture and the lenses usually contain autofocus motors.
Sep 28, 2007
this is why nikon is a better system, we can use any lens from 1972 i think it is :). However what a bargain and enjoy the use of them. Im a pro tog who should really be taking more pics whilst out and about in the boonies to help show off how fascinating the wild world is

tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
OK ta,Checked out the Warehouse Express a bit ago and didn't find they were much cheaper?
As for your credentials my friend I dont often doubt peoples advice on here or I wouldn't ask!!
Ta Dave
Did I mention I have a O' level?!:D
OK ta,Checked out the Warehouse Express a bit ago and didn't find they were much cheaper?
As for your credentials my friend I dont often doubt peoples advice on here or I wouldn't ask!!
Ta Dave
Did I mention I have a O' level?!:D

Sorry, its that hideous "cashback" scheme that they run ... easy to confuse prices. For once Jessops aren't looking as overpriced as they normally do. WExpress are still coming in around £20 cheaper.

1. Don't forget you need to buy memory. Fortunately the price of memory has fallen through the floor in the last few years, but still shop around. Play were doing very good prices on memory a while back. Avoid Lexar, buy Sandisk. I have lost images with Lexar (as have many others) with both the card they recalled and the one they replaced it with.

2. The kit lens is crap. Work out what you want to use the camera for and then look at the cost of the lenses that would do that for you! For all the talk on this forum about wallets and bank accounts getting hammered when new bits of kit come out, it is dwarfed by the hammering of wallets and bank accounts on the photography forums that visit. Go into this with your eyes open!

Good luck!


I've just bought a Canon 40D as the dual zoom kit, and I'm very happy with it. I originally ordered it from Warehouse Express as their website stated available for next day delivery. Three days later it hadn't arrived, so I rang them. They said they were currently out of stock and would ship as soon as they came in. When I asked when that would be, they said "We're expecting a delivery from Canon on 26th November, but I don't know whether that will include these kits or not". In the end I cancelled the order and bought it from Devon Camera Centre. It arrived 2 days later, which was better than their quoted 3-5 days.


tommy the cat

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 6, 2007
Yea, agree with that I think for £20 difference I would prefer to pick it up myself from Jessops as I like the seeing what I get approach to buying. Was it the 40d or 400d ?as they are priced diff and different specs.


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