Well some good advices here. As a french, I will try to give you little more.
- First about bushcraft.
Most of the frenchs were farmers until 1950 (was 1850 for GB) so old people doesn't consider countryside as "a nice place to play" like most of english people nowadays. Very often parent or grandparent had a house in a small village, and we spent a lot of time here and it was not always a leasure place, it was a hard working place with little confort. So in the old time : "sleeping under the sky" was not a very nice time, only the option for poor peoples. Young peoples don't remember this time.
For this same reason, we have a lot of hunters in France (1 million) most of them are also farmers, except in east and center of France. Of course with the "new genenration" It's different : most of them ar urban people, quite a lot doesn't remember that they came from a farm and since twenty years they are not obliged to make one year in the army (so a lot of like now wearing battle dress...the old ones don't like that because they have not always good experinece of their time in army, or consider that uniform is only for army. Also be careful with old military clothing and "camouflage" with old people! Some of them could remember the war).
- Rules.
Frenchs habits are different than anglo saxons habits. Normally a lot of things are strictly forbidden by law...but you could trade. The unwritten law is "you could do something until you don't make problem". So, you could make "camping sauvage" if you came at night and go away on morning without making problems or destroying something. Of course, not near an hotel, open official camping, garden...If you make problems, the law could be applied against you. You could also ask authorization to someone, very often they will help you if you are polite.
Few exceptions :
- National Park : The laws are quite strict. Particularly during summer when you have a lot of people around.
- Fire, especially in the south or forest plant (south west). You will have problem. Strictly forbidden in national park.
- Camping in forest during hunting times. More complicate.
In France, very often hunters are people from the village near the forest : "they are from here" and they don't like to be disturb. Sometimes (north, center, east) they are on their own private lands : You are in fault. They could also have to pay money to the State for hunting during limited time in "national forest" and they don't like to be disturb during these days.
Normally, If you are nice and polite, you will not have problems until you don't disturb animals or steal mushroms. Be polite and nice, apologize.
But don't be rude! I would say that it's better to speak a little french at the beginning, because if you speak directly in english to a french, this is not polite. Remember that for most of frenchs english is only the language of english people and americans, not an international or "high educated" language.
- Beach. specially during summer.
I agree : " As anywhere, courtesy tends to be contagious."