Used a new Micro SD in my camera.
On putting it in my computer I am told it needs formatting...which will erase my data.
Some of my pictures can be retaken...but not others.
What can I do?
The pictures are on the card, they came up when I put it in the PC...But they wont transer to the PC files.
I have no lead.
If I've understood correctly, you can see the pictures on the SD card when you put that SD card in your computer.
Am doing copying.
The odd thing is, it did transfer a few of the pics...
And when you try to copy the pictures from the SD card (in the computer) to the hard disc (also in the computer), some of the pictures copy, but not all of them.
Now, I've had what might be a similar problem. I put an SD card into my computer, selected all the images, and tried to copy them all to my NAS. A few were copied, but then I started getting error messages (I don't remember exactly what, but it was something like "device or resource is busy").
I suspect that either the SD card reader or the wireless link to the NAS was too slow (or both were). When I copied the files first of all to the internal drive of the computer and then moved them to the NAS, it worked fine.
What I suggest, is that you try copying a few of the pictures which did not transfer in your previous attempts, but copy them over one at a time. If that works, then try two at a time; and if that works, try four at a time. Each time it works, double the number of pictures you try to copy, until you get failures again. Then go back to the number that worked.