Foot Massager and another Bowl


Full Member
Jan 23, 2009
Here is a foot massage roller that I have turned on my pole lathe.

Foot massager by Alan Muddypaws, on Flickr

Turned from sycamore, again slightly spalted. I saw something similar in a shop recently, so I thought I would have a go at making one of my own. I wonder if there are any reflexologists on here who might tell me that I have the shape and spacing of the ribs all wrong.

I've also turned another shallow bowl, this one seven inch diameter.

Shallow bowl by Alan Muddypaws, on Flickr

Spalted sycamore, with some cracking, which has been stabilised with superglue. This has already shrunk to an oval shape, having lost half an inch across the grain, but it all adds to the character.

Thanks for looking.
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