Flora — kind of


May 15, 2013
I know it's a stupid use of a rescue team, and I'm tempted to agree with the person that wanted to let them stay on the mountain. At the same time I can't help but laugh a little when I'm picturing these people, clinging on to a rock, paranoid out of their wits, saying what might be their famous last words. Or what they think might be their famous last words...
They will probably never pull a stunt like this again.


Oct 15, 2015
They had either never smoked weed before, or they were smoking something of Amsterdam strength! I've been up there, and I've smoked weed in my younger days, and they must have been an absolute state to not be able to come down!

I laughed at the thought of them, but not at the thought of the teams sent to get them. Imagine being part of the rescue team, and rather than people injured/unwell you come across 4 blokes acting like 'Will' in 'The Inbetweeners' when he eats some weed (he actually thinks he is dying)

I think I would have been tempted to give them some gear to keep them warm/alive for the night and left them :)


Oct 15, 2015
Agreed, they should have had to pay. Numpties. Also agree on the no criminal charge, it shouldn't be illegal to smoke a plant.

I reckon they just couldn't be arsed with the walk down after having a smoke, and thought sod it its free lets get a lift down.......


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Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
The village in Lofoten I go to, Reine, is becoming a huge des5ination for eco tourists. Quite a few people from China come and stay a day ir two. A very påpular walk is to the top of the local mountain, Reinebringen. Incredibly steep and very slippery trail.
The Chinese tourists walk in town shoes or flip flops (men) and flipflops and high heels ( ladies)
Always fun to sit in the cafe and watch them. Smiles and selfie sticks before the walk, ambulance material after.

A big warning sign before the trail starts.


May 15, 2013
The village in Lofoten I go to, Reine, is becoming a huge des5ination for eco tourists. Quite a few people from China come and stay a day ir two. A very påpular walk is to the top of the local mountain, Reinebringen. Incredibly steep and very slippery trail.
The Chinese tourists walk in town shoes or flip flops (men) and flipflops and high heels ( ladies)
Always fun to sit in the cafe and watch them. Smiles and selfie sticks before the walk, ambulance material after.

A big warning sign before the trail starts.

I´ve seen the same phenomenon on my way up to the Pulpit Rock. Lot´s of crying, silk slippers, burka´s and even high heels. It was surreal!


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
I´ve seen the same phenomenon on my way up to the Pulpit Rock. Lot´s of crying, silk slippers, burka´s and even high heels. It was surreal!

Tourists ca be funny. This year a young English guy had the brilliant idea to sleep on the cliffs towards the sea.
He is lucky I took a walk with my wife, as he had placed his sleeping stuff below the high tide mark.
Anither guy ( italian) pitched his tent below a very unstable part of the mountain.

Then I found the outer tent from a very nice two man tent in the low Birch trees below the face of Reinebringen.
I guess somebody tried to pitch a tent on the top and the wind took it. No smell of a decaying body though, luckily.

Kept it, will use instead of my tarp next summer.

A couple of foolish tourists die in the surrounding area each year, usually from trying to do some ’cool extreme downhill skiing’ in winter.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.