First trips on new Bike


Oct 3, 2012
Firstly want to say a massive Thankyou to all those on Bearbones who have helped me with this bike and all the parts.
I am truely in your debt.
As promised here are a few pics of her in action now im able to get out.

My first trip was to complete the route i was on when the original piece of **** that started all this broke on me.
From home its only a 4 mile trip to Tywell Hills and Dales. I had never been before so when i got there i had a little ride around the place to explore, not much there for a bike to do and was really overgrown in places......i got stung....a lot.
Should have worn shoes and not sandles..... :roll:
The only pic i got on this trip.

Total mileage was 9.92 mile, not bad as i have not been on a bike for about 15yrs!!!!

Today i wanted to try something a little more adventurous.
A ride to a country park with a little lap around the outskirts and then home again.
It was quite a hilly route and really got my fat sweating and pulse racing.
I passed a few roadies on route and all tipped there Helmet to me and said hello, Friendly bunch you biker are.
Arrived with a good sweat on and panting like a randy dog so i stopped for a 20min break and had a sarnie.
Took a look at the routes available but once on them they are badly overgrown with stingers and after the experience of last time o opted to avoid them at all costs.
After a 1.5 mile route around the woods i headed home.........those hills are a killer after all that riding.

Before i left.

On route there is a homage to the TDF........

Arriving at the park.

The route and map.

Total for the day was 20.2 miles.......not bad for a very unfit fat guy.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
This has been a nice thread to follow and you've come out of it with a nice bike; great to see it and I hope you get loads of use from it.............You won't be a fat unfit guy for much longer, eh? :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Welcome to the two wheel club, i feel it is against the unwritten code not to nod and tip your helmet to fellow riders, sounds like you are off to a great start, nice ride, nice bait and good scenery, i love cracking open my little metal thermos of coffee in the middle of nowhere whilst i have my packed lunch.

One thing kitwise you might want to grab, a pair of nobby nic (26x2.25 size) schwalbe tyres, they are almost 100% puncture proof by that i mean if you run over a nail you are still fixing a puncture but thorns and glass are onto nowt, amazing peace of mind when out and about for around £30 a pair, i can link you to some if you want? Many stores try to get £30 per tyre for them, worst part is they are worth it to forget about punctures for good, i hate fixing them when knackered 20 odd miles from home especially when it is cold as the movement is usually the only thing keeping me properly warm and getting off the bike and sitting about for ten minutes whilst it is fixed is killer to my core temp


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