first time


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
You'll be carrying a fair bit of water then so I'd take some boil in the bag stuff so you can then make a brew with the hot water. It's cold at the mo so you don't need to worry about refrigeration. So maybe some steak or bacon to cook over the fire. Baked potatoes are easy to chuck on.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Something easy to cook and light.
I take rat pack meals as I'm nut fussy about what I eat. Food is fuel. You can get similar meals from camping shops. They are not cheap £4-5 each. The supermarkets do some in the bag ready meals which are good, think they are called "look what i found".

Snacks are good to, nothing worse then being hungry when out. I take flapjack, dried fruits and nuts.

monkey boy

Full Member
Jan 13, 2009
A few options, make it at camp in a billy keep the lid on and heat it up as u need it, or put it in a food flask, or you can buy tinned stew its not as good but in this weather it will do the same job ;)

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
if carrying you are looking at dried stuff. Mug Shots are great for lunch. oats for brekkie and pasta or rice based for dinner. i like a dried sausage too like chorizo to add a bit of flavour to pasta or rice. some of the packet savory rice jobs are nice too. dried milk powder, coffee or hot chocolate etc for drinks. for soft drinks i use hydration tablets like nunn or sis which just desolve in your canteen to make a nice flavoured coold drink. Others use bolero sachets which are nice too.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2013
noodles and salami, simple food that easy too cook, ease in to cooking out doors chap, enjoy being out not just sitting round spending hours cooking lots of food you don't need which in turn equals weight you don't want, boiling water helps you to learn to manage your fire\stove fuel and your water needs:) decant food out off its packets into zip lok bags, it means that when they are empty you can re seal them and not have foody smells all night,
for an over nighter this weekend i am taking the stuff in pic below plus a brew kit

a lot there but i like to pack too much incase i either get stuck-unlikely or choose to stay out a while longer.
also in this weather its all about keeping the body filled with grub to keep you warm
often in the past i have cooked one meal at 5/6pm and then been ravenous by 10pm and wanted supper the above allows me to do that if the mood takes me


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