firebox permission


Jun 6, 2010
hi all, i allways use my woodlands edge firebox(stove) when im in the woods but was just wondering if i need permission to use it like you do with a open fire? in other woodland were i dont have permission for fires. its an enclosed stove that leaves no damage, thanks for any help
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It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
You answered your question yourself when you said 'in other woodland where I don't have permission'.

If you don't have permission to be there you don't have permission to have a fire, fire box or not.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
i have permission to be there just not permission for open fires hence the question

It's one of those never can tell questions I guess.

If you go into someone else's house you never know whether you have permission to light up a cigarette or to keep your mucky shoes on till you ask.

Or you can be like the dog who will be thrown off the sofa every time he climbs on it, but will return as soon as his owner is out of the room.

If a tree falls in a forest and there is no-one there did it make a sound? That is to say, if you have been and gone and left no mark, was there any harm done, but if you were caught in the act what then?

I don't really know.


Full Member
Apr 28, 2008
Somerset, UK.
There are two issues with open fires, one is damage to the ground and the other is the risk of fire from sparks.

Where the concern is damage to the ground, as on campsites that ban open fires, I have been given permission to use my firebox (a yukon) sat in a tray, on a low aluminium table, once its explained how my "open fire" isn't going to damage the ground. In one instance I emailed a picture of my Yukon "in action" before being given permission.

Very few people are aware of the firebox (or hobo stove) concept and always associate a "camp fire" a large pile of flaming logs placed directly on the ground.

But in circumstances where the concern is fire risk, then the no open fire rule will apply to fireboxes, such my Yukon or your woodland edge, just as it would with an open fire. Even though, sparks will be more contained than with a fully open fire.

So it is safer to initially consider fire boxes as "open fires" until you have cleared it with the site owner.



Nov 17, 2009
Lancashire. UK
My interpretation is that an "open fire" is an unconstrained fire directly on the ground and that any kind of stove is by definition a contained or enclosed fire. I have seen places (camp-sites in particular) that do not allow "open fires" but allow barbecues, which I think backs up my definition. I have seen plenty of places damaged by the use of disposable barbecues.

I would take the view that if you are there with permission and are sensible then there shouldn't be a problem until someone specifically tells you that what you are doing is prohibited. If you were told that no barbecues, cooking or smoking was allowed in the woodland then that would be a different story. But lets be sensible about this, the people who do the damage are mostly louts who have no permission to be there at all, the sensible and careful people who leave no trace are the only ones who worry about the rules anyway!


Jun 6, 2010
cheers boys very good advise, i got the woodlands edge stove because it has legs to keep it off the ground and has a chimney so dosnt produce sparks if used right and its enclosed so people cant see the flames, so the only thing that can affect or be noticed by others is the smoke which can attract busy bodies so try to be selective in wot i burn. its true tho its the sensible ones like us who use the stoves so we dont risk damage that get pestered,were as the people who leave damage an mess get away with it so i think stoves shud be promoted, thanks for the help


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