Fire lighting with flint

Nov 30, 2014
West Sussex
Watched a video last night on lighting a fire with flint and steel, and thought I would have a go at it. So tonight I went into the garage and had a play. Had some bits of flint and an old broken file, which seemed to throw a few sparks. On the video the chap made char punk wood I think it was called, instead of cloth. So to start with I got some old rotted wood from my log pile, put it in a tobacco tin, punched a hole in the lid and stuck it on my coke can stove.

Making the char.

Before and after.


My file and flint that I used. Dead chuffed I managed to get the fire going. But there was a few times that I got the ember, blew lots of smoke but didn't manage a flame. Will be doing this again. Thanks for reading.


Full Member
Mar 13, 2014
Alone now.
Nice job and a good post. I've been in the same boat as you with the ember and not getting a flame going F&S firelighting is so dependent on everything working in perfect unison. For me my biggest problem was getting the ember from the char to the tinder I must have gone through an entire pair of jeans worth of char messing round with different tinders. I love how they make it look so easy on YT videos that why bother with anything else.:) It's quite an acheivement when you make your first fire using F&S. goodjob
Nov 30, 2014
West Sussex
Thanks TarHeelBrit, it was a great feeling getting that first flame. Just received a couple of cheap ferro rods, tried them last night and had good sparks, lit a piece of toilet paper the a bit later a cotton wool ball that I then used to light my main fire. Great fun.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
We have a TV series here, called "Survivorman" with a guy name of Les Stroud.
He carries a container of dry grass. Pound some of that into fiber with a stone
to make the core of a fire bundle which you can actually pick up even when lit.

I agree that practice, when you least need it, is the best teacher for when you do.
All I have is the usual block of magnesium metal with a rod down the side.
With some shavings and some tinder, 30 seconds was the best I ever did.


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