ferro rods


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
I bought a couple of Ferro rods of ebay to fit my own handles too and learnt the expensive way (ok it cost me about the same as a pint of beer) that not all ferro rods are created equal.

Can anyone recommend a supplier for decent quality ferro rods in sensible (i.e. not huge) sizes?




Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
I got mine from eBay with no issues. I was informed (on here I think) that they're all made in the same 2 factories but that there are 2 different types.

One that makes sparks easily, but the sparks are shortlived and hot.

The other that is harder to make sparks with but the sparks last longer and burn hotter.

Shark designs sell ferro rods and also explain the differences. I have purchased from them in the past and the service was great.

http://www.sharkdesigns.co.uk/bushcraft/Products Folder/fire/Sparks/pyroflint_sas_and_survivor.html

There are two main categories that the modern pyrophoric alloy PyroFlints™ are divided in to two. Those with a lower Iron content, usually called ‘Standard’ PyroFlints™ and those with a higher Iron content usually called ‘Durable’ PyroFlints™. The two types can typically be distinguished by their colour, since the Low-Iron ‘Standard’PyroFlints™ are usually dark-grey to black, whilst the High-Iron ‘Durable’ PyroFlints™ are usually a lighter grey or have a metallic look.

Standard PyroFlints™ are generally a little easier to generate sparks from, due to the higher percentage of pyrophoric alloys in the mix at manufacture. The sparks generated are a little cooler than those produced from the higher Iron Durable PyroFlints™ and do not live as long, but you get quite a lot more of them and they are easier to produce. Durable PyroFlints™ are a little harder to generate sparks from than lower Standard Iron type, due to the slightly lower levels of the pyrophoric alloys incorporated into the mix when manufactured. However, whilst the Durables produce less sparks for the same given effort, than the Standard ferrocerium rods, the sparks that are produced are substantially hotter and have a much longer lifespan, which enables them to ignite a wider variety of tinder types within a greater degree of ambient humidity levels and degrees of tinder dampness. In addition, Durable ferrocerium rods are much more resistant to corrosion, hence their name, than the Low-Iron Standard ferrocerium rods, plus you can scrape off a quantity of Durable ferrocerium rod shavings that can then be used to ignite even damp tinder, which is virtually impossible to do with a Standard ferrocerium rod.


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