Hello, BCUK. I'm off for a few weeks so that I can concentrate on a number of small projects. I've recently finished four utensils, and I'm proud of them, but I'd like to do a few more projects on a smaller scale. Using the wonderful Jonsbushcraft tutorials, I feel like making a whistle, crook knife case, comb and birch bark tray. I'll also start on a walking stick. These little craft projects seem like a great way to really understand natural materials and some of them are very relevant, like the crook knife case. What better way to know Elder wood than to make a neat whistle out of it, for example. Seems a good idea, so I'll return once I've completed all of these and post them in one thread. Next step after all of that is to learn proper knife and axe maintenance and begin learning kuksas and other such bowls.
Thanks for all the help so far. I may return to ask a few questions, of course.
Thanks for all the help so far. I may return to ask a few questions, of course.
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