I am pleased to say that we have secured the UK and European distribution of the EXOTAC nanoSTRIKER.
Great bit of kit, ideal for fixing to something that you always have with you. It does work in a slightly different way to the firesteels that you may be used to, but a little practice really gets you going.
A BCUK review was written by Mistwalker and can be found in the review section - here.
If you like want to get hold of one, come and visit us here.
Great bit of kit, ideal for fixing to something that you always have with you. It does work in a slightly different way to the firesteels that you may be used to, but a little practice really gets you going.
A BCUK review was written by Mistwalker and can be found in the review section - here.
If you like want to get hold of one, come and visit us here.