Excuses for lurking


Jan 9, 2005
Surrey, UK
I decided to go out on a walk last night just to sort of scout out what's around me locally and generally explore a bit. I soon realised that passers by will find it odd, a man sneaking around in the trees. I'd normally try and go to a wood a decent way into the sticks (people understand in that respect) however sometimes time is not on my side and a quick scout about the local area seems fitting.

Anyway, I was trying to think of good excuses if someone asks what I am doing. If I say I am having a look around to see what wild fungi, trees, plants, and so on are around me I get the feeling they will raise an eyebrow.

So then I thought, if I had a camera... I could say I was out searching for these things to photograph them, I can imagine people would find this more acceptable... but then I thought. Man lurking about in the trees with a camera... I could easily be mistaken for a somewhat more dodgy person.

So then I thought, a dog... but that keeps you to the beaten track a bit more (no?) and anyway living with the parents and that's not going to happen.

So I am looking to hear your excuses, good excuses.


Jan 9, 2005
Surrey, UK
This'll be the beastie ...

You'll be surprised at the level of interest ~ if you're concerned at how you'll be perceived, take some relevant pocket guides with you.

My concern is that even my own mother thinks that me going out for a scout around in the wilderness is wierd, then what will others think.
Personally, the way I feel is, I think that the majority of people in modern societies have little interest with the natural skills & wisdom that we have lost. I could be struggling along with a hand drill, a bow drill, fire plough, all sorts and some wise alec will suggest... Do you need a lighter? I feel many people see no point because they can just pop to the shops and buy a lighter or matches. Or they draw the assumption that you are a nutcase preparing for some sort of apocalypse as opposed to a person with an appreciation with the ways things were and through exploration of these ways can even further appreciate the way things are!

It's such a shame.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
you don't need any excuses, tell the truth, you're doing nothing wrong. you get to quite enjoy the raised eyebrows after a while anyway!



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
My concern is that even my own mother thinks that me going out for a scout around in the wilderness is wierd, then what will others think.
Personally, the way I feel is, I think that the majority of people in modern societies have little interest with the natural skills & wisdom that we have lost. I could be struggling along with a hand drill, a bow drill, fire plough, all sorts and some wise alec will suggest... Do you need a lighter? I feel many people see no point because they can just pop to the shops and buy a lighter or matches. Or they draw the assumption that you are a nutcase preparing for some sort of apocalypse as opposed to a person with an appreciation with the ways things were and through exploration of these ways can even further appreciate the way things are!

It's such a shame.

so educate them then


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Get a cheap dog lead and fasten it around your neck and under one arm. That is the way I often see dog walkers carrying their leads whe the dog is off it. Then if anyone asks its looking for your dog. Its a terrier and you think it went in this way and could have gone to ground. People let dogs off lead all the time and you don't need a dog with you. If you see the person again and they ask about the dog just say it had run home by itself but it got you worried. Elaborate lie but if telling the truth and the subsequent reaction bothers you then perhaps its more believable or acceptable for the general public than the truth.

Otherwise take some pocket guides and tell the truth. Let them know about anything interesting you have spotted it might make them interested and more ameniable to a nutter in the woods!! ;) :D


Nov 11, 2008
Virginia, USA
Who gives a shine-ola what others think! You only have so many days on this planet. Take advantage of every opportunity you wish! Enjoy yourself and learn and explore 'till your heart is content. You will be unhappy with yourself if you don't.



Full Member
May 2, 2007
My concern is that even my own mother thinks that me going out for a scout around in the wilderness is wierd, <<<

You could ask her whether she would prefer you to spend time outside and wanting to learn something new or sat inside playing the latest version of whatever games console.

>>> It's such a shame.

It is ~ keep your chin up and, in time, people will accept* your bimbling.

* Give it enough time and those who took the proverbial will come and ask you for info/advice/guidance ~ go on, ask me how I know ;) :lmao: .


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
i have to agree, you don't need an excuse to lurk. if you want to go wandering go wandering if people raise their eyebrows, smile casually and carry on.

bushcrafters in general get some odd looks, maybe its the home carved staffs, maybe its the large rucksacks, maybe its the smell of woodsmoke and that odd look on our faces (you know, peace) shrug it off its nothing new.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Who gives a shine-ola what others think! You only have so many days on this planet. Take advantage of every opportunity you wish! Enjoy yourself and learn and explore 'till your heart is content. You will be unhappy with yourself if you don't.

Well said!

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
so educate them then
Thats what I did a year or so ago.

My mother, myself and my youngest set off for a little walk. Mother set off stomping away at full tilt. Me and little one ambled along and after 100 yards or so, stopped and I pointed out some interesting fungus - mother walked back to see what we were doing. Set off again and I found something else to show little-one, mother came back after a short while to see again. After about the third or fourth return journey she was beaten and stuck with us as we ambled and chatted.

Took that same length of time and covered less distance, but enjoyed it so much more than striding away and seeing nothing!


Ogri the trog

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Have some id books with you so that when you engage in conversation with someone, you can both learn something new.

My thing is birds and it's amazing what people want to learn from you when they realise what you're doing.

The majority enjoy their walks and what they see but haven't taken that further step to really getting to know what's about, mainly due to the usual work/life time constraints.

A wee chat can open things up for them.

It can also work very much in your own favour e.g. esp' in England they might know someone with land you could get permission to camp on.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.