bushtuckerman said:
So do your scalp and hair remain un-oily etc of their own accord, and have they reached a natural balance like mentioned earlier in the thread by gregorach?
Yeah, they do. I do rinse through with water to get the 'external' grime out (as I work in town - urgh !), but that's all. The condition is good I think. I did have very very short hair for a while which helped at the initial stage, but it's getting quite long again now, (long enough to tie up) and at the risk of sounding like I'm talking rubbish - it's shiny and has lots of volume, (which means that I look like I've fallen through a hedge most of the time, but that's only because I don't brush it, and it hasn't been cut for months either - I bet this is a great picture I'm painting here !). I've not found any split ends either, but it hasn't stopped it getting a bit thin, and going grey in places.
Condition wise it's fine tho. I don't really remember what it was like going through it (probably as it was clipped in tight, and clearly didn't bother me much), I think it was a bit itchy, and a bit flaky, but that's about it. I did ask my partner, but she can't remember it either, which is probably a good sign.
bushtuckerman said:
It's good to know your particular morals take precedence over convenience, many people lack the strength to be able to do that (including myself on too many occasions), but what is also lacking is the simple knowledge that consumerism replaces. I would hazard a guess that in evolutionary terms it is not long ago that we did not use soaps of any kind, and only much more recently have we used synthetics. I think what has changed is the proximity in which people live, and in other words the ventilation that we are used to in our houses!
I would aslo recommend Green People
I could rant on about this for ages, but I'll try to keep it in check.
I'm conscious of the spirituality thread from a few days ago, so I'm keen to stress that there is no veiled references to any particular faith in what follows, (other than the faith in myself perhaps). It's an entirely atheist based approach I follow, and whilst this works for me, I'm absolutely happy that other people find their own, and quite different paths too.
Part of the problem I think, is that lots of people have lost something of themselves in the rush towards that bright, glittering future that bobs around just tantalisingly out of reach. I know I'm writing this from a position of enormous privilege, so I hope it doesn't sound condescending, but I'm trying to balance the obvious fact that I live like a king, in a safe, rich, stable and 'developed' country, with an appreciation, an embrace even, of the basic level of tech needed to be comfortable. That's why I follow this forum, it's great that some people are returning home. I only play at this of course, after a weekend out, I go home for a hot shower and see what's left in the veg bowl, but each time I'm rediscovering skills that I feel I should never have lost in the first place, and in so doing, rediscovering part of my humanity, and my proper place in things (whatever things are !).
Skipping over the details, (and there's really nothing at all interesting in this, it's just that over time I've put aside those things that are completely unimportant to me, like the TV or striving after the next new car - and I've long since given up fags and booze. I've always been a show pony about food tho - so a pile of muddy veg and some odd looking leaves is a very old, and a very dear friend to me) ... anyway, in so doing I've found my Way to live a happy, balanced, compassionate, and I guess ultimately, a very simple life, and I derive great pleasure from things like paddling my canoe, riding a bike, looking up at the stars, or just out walking, idling or sleeping out in the countryside (oh, and, err, decent edged tools of course).
I don't think that many people are that lucky, and therein lies their need to somehow be something else, something other than what they are at heart. Only unhappiness lives that way I feel.