Elen's Left Foot ...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
....I should be able to get to it and not need carrying in a litter :stretcher::rofl:
I was going to suggest a padded wheelbarrow, we can set you up in it as a reverse chariot and take turns running you round the paths... a little hazel switch and you'd be off like a shot!! I think the dates been set 26-8th Apr, have a look on the 12 months of Mids Meets thread for confirmation :)

Really glad for you that it's happening sooner rather than later, Elen, we'll be thinking of you twixt now and then :)

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thank you all, you're a grand bunch :). Arnica & rescue remedy at the ready, Simon, along with comfrey, Hubby on the radionics, and various on the healing. It's gonna work this time, ready to dance at Northwood, Sal, but prob not "break" Gaz :D. I think I've got all the post-op physio off by heart now as so many ops I'm not sure how much of the original is left! Bimbles and camps and hammocks on the horizon, Mike, bring it on :thumbup::cool:

behind every creative woman there's usually a very talented cat ...

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Back safely yesterday late afternoon. The outside bone of left foot had crumbled, which was why it never healed. Bissell (surgeon) took the "rubble" away so I only have four bones in that foot now. He tells me cartilage will grow in the space and I'll be walking OK. I'm hobbling quite well now even, on the sticks. Some thoughts of cumbling mummies flitting through head !!! Hope the right foot doesn't crumble too ... shall keep an extra eye on it as I think I now know what the precursor pain feels like.

I felt very woozy yesterday, upset tummy too which is partly the anaesthetic but also that the hospital has been full of vomiting disease for the last couple of weeks to the extent of them having to jerry-rig extra space out of half of the osteo-clinic area! and with no "clean space" between the jerry-rig and us day-patients coming to clinic! Both the last two times I went in I came back with a medium case of the runs. It's like all the old jokes of the pre-Florence Nightingale times that hospitals are where you go to catch disease! Dear Florrie must be turning in her grave! Admin in the hospital seems to be run by tick-box-degree-planks - the nurses call that department "Control" !!! They (Control) were trying to dump spare beds on the ward I was in ... which already had a full complement of beds and nowhere to put any spares! It would have been funny to watch the arguments - like a Carry On film! - if it wasn't also rather scary to extrapolate, if that's how they mishandle beds what happens with drugs, treatment ... and the cleaning! Ah well ... don't ask is perhaps best for one's peace of mind!

Slept a lot yesterday when I got home and shall do some more sleeping today. Nice day out there, heavy frost but likely sun later. May wrap up super-warm and lie on the lounger out by the pond. Hubby is kindly rushing about bringing me tea and dry toast, rescue remedy etc, etc. Pain OK, very mild at present.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
Lying out by the pond in this super clear weather sounds like the best tonic in the world, especially with lovely hubby looking after your comfort :) So glad the ops over for you and it's all about recovery from here on :)


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