Dog & lamp

Andy T

Sep 8, 2010
Stoke on Trent.
there are a few different types of lamp you might want to think can get a 1 million candle power lamp from places like argos which come with a charger they are ok and will do the job , they usually have some sort of hanging loop on them , if i were you id put some cord through this and hang it round my neck, they can get a tad heavy after a while..............or you could try an old car headlight from a scrap yard and a 12 volt motorbike battery carried in an old haversack........whichever method you choose i would suggest making a shroud for the lamp......this is easily made from an old cereal box and some aluminium foil reduces and concentrates the beam so you are not lighting up half the field.........the dog will soon learn to look at the end of the beam.......if and when you see a rabbit in the beam, slowly walk towards it till it starts to run( they dont always just squat believe me ) then when the rabbit starts to run you run .......until the dog has definitely seen the rabbit and is pulling you along.....then slip the dog ......and try and keep the rabbit in the beam......if the rabbit is running towards a hedge then shake the beam a little this has worked for me a few times and seems to confuse the rabbit giving the dog a few precious seconds to strike.........a simple slip lead can be made by getting a length of rope say 4 feet in length with a loop in one end that just fits over your hand ......this rope is then passed through the dogs collar and the plain end is held till you want to slip the dog then you just let it go and the dog will run.....i hope this helps .......if i can help any more please pm me
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
forgive my ignorance but what is the legal position on lamping or hunting with dogs in this way? I'm not against it but just asking. I know if it was brown hares there would be a problem but rabbits I'm not sure what the status.

BTW if you go for those Homebase, Focus or B&Q own 1, 3 or 5 milliion candlepower lamps be careful as I got one and it was carp. It wouldn't hold a charge. Should have taken it back. Check it out before you ue it properly including to see if it charges ok and holds the charge. I got one for my Dad and it was ok but mine was not an I know others have had duff ones too.


Sep 12, 2010
North Wales
paul b as regards to lamping with dogs , rabbits and rats are exemptions in the 2004 hunting act , as long as you have written permission from the land owner , or tenant , antzy you want to look at cluson clubman lamp or one of the lamps from the lightforce range , which you will find either online or a local fieldsports shop , hope this helps


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